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'Dreadnought' dinosaur yields big bone haul

New fossils found in Argentina represent the most complete giant sauropod dinosaur ever discovered. Scientists say they have 70% of the key bones needed to fully describe the creature, Dreadnoughtus schrani. It means they can confidently estimate its great bulk - a beast that measured 26m from head to tail and weighed in at almost 60 tonnes.  A detailed write-up on the 77-million-year-old fossils appears in the journal Scientific Reports. BBC; Sept 4.

Shown here is the chart for the last solar eclipse drawn for London where the journal Scientific Reports  has its headquarters. Notice that it is placed in the 12th house which is associated with large animals [1]. The  solar eclipse [9ta] is square the meridian and conjunct Mercury [13ta] – which, among other things, is connected with scientific journals or papers.  In addition the eclipse is conjunct the star Azha, eta Eridanus [9ta]. Eridanus was an ancient celestial river. As a symbol, a river relates to the creative power of nature and time and everything transitory: the flux of the world and the irreversible passage of time.  Unlike earthly rivers, Eridanus is depicted flowing upstream symbolizing a return to the past. A reference to archaeological fossils is, therefore, quite appropriate here under stars of Eridanus.

Progressing the eclipse chart to September 4, the date of the news, brings the Grand Cross to the angles. The Ascendant conjoins Mars and together they form an inconjunct aspect to the eclipse and Mercury. The asteroid Diana [10ar] is on the descendant while TNP Hades [3cn] is in a stellium with Kronos [7cn] and Jupiter [15cn] on the MC. Keywords and phrases are provided by Martha Wescott [2]

Diana: Animals
Hades: Ancient; primitive
Jupiter: big or large

Primitive animals…and combined with Jupiter…large primitive animals (like  dinosaurs, for instance)

Scientific discoveries or breakthroughs

