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Huge Blaze At Nottingham University

Firefighters are still tackling a "significant" blaze at a university chemistry building. About 60 firefighters are at the scene after being called to the University of Nottingham shortly after 8.30pm last night and no casualties have been reported. A spokesman for Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue said: "We are dealing with a significant incident. We were called at 8.36pm to a building under construction on Triumph Road in Radford. Sept 12

The astrological reason for this fire is the same as that for the Manchester Dogs’ Home Fire presented in the last post. In fact Manchester and Nottingham are separated by just one degree of longitude so that the chart for the September 9 Full Moon is similar.

An extract from the previous post is reproduced below. The only additional information that we can add here is the position of the Moon the 9th house. In mundane astrology, the 9h house rules “Universities, colleges, all places of higher learning or specialist study” [3]

We are still in the wake of the September 9 Full Moon which was also a SuperMoon. The chart for the Full Moon at Manchester is shown here. A powerful Grand Cross involving Pluto-Uranus-Zeus-Hades straddles the meridian axis.  Key phrases for the elements are as below:

Acts of violence; subversive activities; an accident [1]

To hear of damages through fires; criminal activity that includes  the use of weapons, fires or explosions. [2]

The Sun[16vi] is conjunct the star Mizar , Zeta (ΞΆ) Ursa Major[16vi].

Supposedly, Mizar portends a Mars nature. The reputation of Mizar, if it is in maximal position in a mundane map, is that of being connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.55.]

On September 11, the date of the fire, there was an occultation of Uranus by the Moon at  1:07 UT. In the Full Moon chart Uranus is significantly placed on the MC and is conjunct the star pi Fornacis [15ar20]  in the constellation Fornax – the Furnace!

A chart drawn for the fire reported at 8:30 pm has the Uranus-Pluto-Zeus-Hades Grand Cross on the meridian.

[1] The Combination of Stellar Influences; Reinhold Ebertin  (p.198)
[2] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott
