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Mental health needs higher priority

Mental health needs to be more of a priority, with targets for waiting times and more protection for funding, says England's chief medical officer. Dame Sally Davies said there were signs funding was being cut at a time when the cost to the economy was rising. Her annual report said mental illness led to the loss of 70 million working days last year - up 24% since 2009.  BBC, 9 Sept.

Fixed stars and constellations are the most ancient astrological heritages of humankind. Virtually every ancient civilization of which we have record, carefully observed and analyzed sky-patterns, and attempted to relate their observations to the experiences of humankind.  As in several posts on this blogsite, here too we will see how accurately ancient myths connected to sky images correlate to events on earth.

We begin by analysing the chart for the lunar eclipse of October 19, 2013 drawn for London. Notice that by the mundane astrology, this eclipse had a significant message for London since it was aligned with the meridian axis. The Moon [25ar] and the MC [23ar] were conjunct Baten Kaitos, gamma Ceti [22ar]  - a star in the sea-monster’s belly. The Sea-Monster, represents the monsters of the subconscious mind. Among possible physical and/or psychological manifestations we have depression, insanity, addiction etc.

The Ascendant of the eclipse chart is square the Mercury-Saturn-Hygiea axis  - a combinational that itself refers to mental health issues. The Full Moon on the meridian  was square Jupiter [20cn] in the 12th house that is linked to hospitals and mental health. Jupiter in caring Cancer is obviously highlighting  the need to look after the mentally ill.

If we now progress this chart by the PSSR method to September 9, 2014, we find that the MC [2ge] has reached  the apex of a T-square to Mars [2vi] opposite Neptune [3pi]. Asteroids that form a part of this configuration are Psyche [4sa] and Askalaphus [8vi]. Delineation for this combination is provided by Martha Wescott.

AESCULAPIA: Contact with physicians (including the internal healer) and belief-systems about the health, symptoms and medical conditions. See aspects of in need of or contributing to Healing. Use also: Asclepius and Askalaphus.

PSYCHE: Recognition of childhood trauma; raw wounds psychologically; vulnerability; memories; insight; psychic impressionability; psychological recovery; the state of your mental health; head wounds; brain states.

Awareness of the mental and  emotional effect of illness or symptoms--thus, the symbiosis between  mind/heart and body;  psychological trauma associated with a medical  condition or illness; power of emotions to affect the physical  well-being; thus there are psychogenic considerations--does an illness  "originate" in the mind, is it a result of an emotional state, or are  changes there reflective of a physical dis-ease?) There may be medical  conditions that are neurological or that deal with scarring; and efforts  directed toward a true healing of emotional wounds.

Sickness or weakness affects impetus, action or strength.

As always, a lunation with a similar theme as the eclipse acts a “minute hand” of the clock. Shown here the chart for today’s SuperMoon at London. Notice that (a) the Uranus-Pluto-Mercury-Hygiea Grand Cross is highlighted by the meridian.  As mentioned before Mercury-Hygiea refers to mental health. Also Uranus is conjunct stars in the head of Cepheus and the belly and tail of Cetus, the Sea-Monster,  linking this area to paranoia, insanity and mental illness. (b) the Full Moon is conjunct Chiron.

Chiron classically is “The wounded Healer,” and acts as a bridge or escort between Saturn and Uranus. Chrion can express in a variety of ways depending upon its chart placement. Chiron can indicate where personal healing is required, and/or it may indicate where a bridge is to be created and crossed, either from established, structured and crystalized patterns (Saturn) to radical new possibilities (Uranus), or to bring new discoveries and new levels of consciousness into concretized form. Prominent alignments with Chiron can indicate involvement in the health-care or healing arena, or involvement with discoveries and new technologies or modalities applied in this and related areas.
