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New Moon and the Ukraine Crisis

In Kiev, a Ukrainian military spokesman said 15 more Ukrainian service members have been killed in the past 24 hours in fighting with pro-Russian separatists backed by Russian military forces. Lost territory, trapped soldiers and increasing reports of Russian tanks and troops operating in eastern Ukraine have changed the course of events there in the past few days. Newly emboldened pro-Russian separatist forces are bearing down on strategic targets, such as the port city of Mariupol and the airport in Luhansk, where troops retreated in the face of a rebel onslaught Monday. WP Sept 2

The chart for the current New Moon of August 25 drawn for Moscow is shown here. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the MC in a quincunx aspect to Uranus explains the sudden increase in the level of aggression. Nick Fiorenza’s post [1] on the current lunar cycle explains the challenges involved.

This New Moon and lunar cycle brings emphasis to our long-term evolutionary sojourn on Earth, to the ramifications of the directions we set regarding how we use our creative power, especially reflecting upon the past destructive scenarios for Earth and her peoples. It impels us to reassess our present actions and the tactics we apply in life to change our evolutionary outcome to one that does not repeat a discordant and destructive past, but that leads to a prosperous and harmonious future.

Mars and Saturn conjoin just after the New Moon. This conjunction creates a high-tension inconjunct aspect to Uranus and Eris on the South Lunar Node. Mars and Saturn recently began a new cycle in June.

For many fear-based and control-minded people, these Mars, Saturn and Pluto alignments, their cycles, their challenging aspects, and the high-tension energetics they produce can fuel hostile, aggressive, and radically reactive behavior. For those who are more emotionally and spiritually mature, who are focused upon personal growth, progressive change, love and compassion, they impel audacious leadership and creative action to evolve new structural foundations and ways of participating in life based upon greater universal truths.

In contrast to the upsurge of aggressive atrocities occurring in the world that are emphasized by the media, these cycles impel progressive heart-oriented action to birth a new consciousness on Earth, which hundreds of millions of people, the culturally and spiritually creative, continue to do. This is the growing group of people who see through the media's emphasis on fear, war, calamity and despair, and take action to create innovative social, ecological, economic, political, technological and spiritual change.
