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Alpheratz eclipse makes the “flying” car a reality

(CNN) -- There may be plenty of idiots on the road, but is putting them in the skies taking it, quite literally, to the next dimension? For Dr. Heinrich H. Bülthoff -- one of the leading researchers on the 'MyCopter' project -- it's a serious question. Making an idiot-proof flying car that anyone can pilot has involved years of painstaking research and may be the secret to the long-held dream of firing up the rotors, levitating and simply flying out of the bumper-to-bumper grind. Now the European Union wants to make the dream a reality, researching the feasibility of small commuter air vehicles to ease the world's traffic congestion. Oct. 3.


The EU  'MyCopter'  project “Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Transport Systems”  is co-ordinated from München, Germany. Shown here is the upcoming lunar eclipse at München, Germany placed very significantly on the meridian axis as part of a powerful T-square containing Uranus-Pluto.

Richard Tarnas notes, “With Pluto acting on Uranus, we can see what could be called the intensification on a massive scale (Pluto) of technology (Uranus) or the empowerment (Pluto) of revolutionary breakthroughs (Uranus) and awakenings”.  He gives as examples the  tremendous scientific discovery and revolutions in science at  turn of the Twentieth Century when a Pluto-Uranus opposition [1896-1905]  took place. “Epochal breakthroughs” in technology occurred, such as the discovery of radioactivity and the electron, the invention of the automobile, Zeppelin, and the airplane. The number of automobiles in America rose a thousand-fold from 25 in 1896 to 25,000 in 1905.

Very simply put, here the eclipse [15ar] is conjunct the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda [14ar30]. This star is shown as located in the head of the chained Princess and the navel of Pegasus, the Flying Horse so that it was also delta Pegasi, known as Sirrah derived from the Arabians' Al Surrat al Faras, "the Horse's Navel" [1].

Alpheratz is a very fortunate star since it can literally and figuratively raise a person above and out of  his difficulties.  As can seen from the image above, the Flying Horse in our case here will literally be the “flying” car releasing us from the difficulties of traffic jams.  

On the Ascendant is Mars [17sa]  part of a fortunate Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus. Also on the horizon axis are the asteroids Icarus [27sa] and Phaethon [26ge] Phaethon is about “cars” and Icarus is concerned with “flying”.
