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Astro-meteorology of Typhoon Hudhud

The Great Storm Bird

Cyclone Hudhud is pounding the eastern Indian coast, causing extensive damage and prompting the evacuation of some 350,000 people. At least three people have been killed in Andhra Pradesh and three in Orissa. The cyclone, classed "very severe", brought winds of 205km/h (127mph), as it passed over the coast near the city of Visakhapatnam. The winds and heavy rains have brought down trees and power lines, and damaged crops in both states. It is feared a storm surge of up to two metres could inundate low-lying areas and hundreds of relief centres have been opened in the two states. Disaster relief teams have also been sent. The authorities say the next few hours will be crucial. BBC;

Astrometeorologists frequently use the planetary positions at the times of solar and planetary ingresses into the signs of the zodiac as a way of ascertaining the place, time, and quality of weather patterns. Mercury in retrograde motion re-entered Libra on October 10 at 17:27 UT. A chart drawn for this moment at Visakhapatnam where the cyclone made landfall is shown here. Notice that a powerful Grand Cross involving Uranus-Pluto straddles the horizon axis. Among other things Uranus-Pluto stands for a sudden release of elemental forces. But more specifically here Venus [13li], the Sun [17li] and the Node [19li]  which form  part of the Grand Cross are conjunct stars of Corvus, the Raven.

These stars part of an archaic Chaldean lunar mansion whose patron god was Im-dugud-khu, “The Great Storm Bird” or “Storm Bird of the Evil Wind”  and China’s  Celestial Chariot T’ien-Tche governed wind. Records show that they were transited at the 1864 Bay of Bengal  cyclone that killed 50,000, the 1881 typhoon that hit Haipong, China, killing thousands; in 1970 when a huge cyclone hit Ganges delta with winds upto 150 kmph and a 50-ft high sea wave : about 300,000 to 500,000 were killed, thousands more died later of typhoid and cholera; in 1979 when 3 twisters combined into one giant tornado and hit Wichita Falls; in 1991 when “Tornado Alley” was hit by several twisters some with winds clocking 450 kmph and many others. [1]

The second factor that is also contributing to the cyclone is the phenomena of Moon Wobble.

Moon Wobbles were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's Node. These powerful contacts occur when the Sun and the Node are in the same sign, or the opposing sign, or when the Sun is in a square aspect to the nodal axis. [2]

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting. [3]

The BBC report also indicates that the cyclone made its landfall at Visakhapatnam at approximately 11:30 IST. A chart drawn for landfall has the Grand Cross straddling the meridian axis with the MC conjunct Venus and the stars of  the Great Storm Bird mentioned above!

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.78-82)
