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Columbus Day changes to Indigenous Peoples’ Day


the Indian

(Reuters) - The Seattle City Council unanimously voted on Monday to redesignate the federal Columbus Day holiday as Indigenous Peoples' Day to reflect that Native Americans were living on the continent before Christopher Columbus' 15th Century arrival. Mayor Ed Murray was expected to swiftly sign the measure, making Seattle the second major U.S. city after Minneapolis to mark Indigenous Peoples' Day on the second Monday in October, the same day as Columbus Day. Oct.6

This news comes just two days before a powerful lunar eclipse of October 8.  Before the actual eclipse the Sun completes two important aspects. The first occurs on October 4, when it squares Pluto and the second three days later on October 7 when forms an opposition to Uranus. Shown here is the chart for the Sun-Pluto square drawn for Seattle.

The Sun [11li] is conjunct stars of the  Hydra and the Virgin so that Diana Rosenberg links this area to conflicts between Hydra’s self-interest and Virgin’s desire for truth and honesty leading to changes in laws and ways of thinking.  With the Sun in the fourth house  there is a strong connection to  'roots', tradition and history [1].  On the descendant [3aq] is  theta Indus [4aq] – a star in the constellation Indus linked to native or indigenous people [2]. And finally both Sun [11li] and Pluto [11cp] form hard aspects to the asteroid Hopi [11ge].

Hopi: Native American peoples, culture, memories and behavioral inclinations; indigenous peoples; minority groups.

The Sun is in a T-square with Uranus-Pluto – a combination that we associate with major transformations.

Hopi-(Pluto-Uranus): May bring to notice an event that signals the end of deep-prejudices.
