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The Dutch boy mopping up a sea of plastic


Boyan Slat is a 20-year-old on a mission - to rid the world's oceans of floating plastic. He has dedicated his teenage years to finding a way of collecting it. But can the system really work - and is there any point when so much new plastic waste is still flowing into the sea every day? BBC, Oct.16

We are still in the wake of the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8. The chart for the eclipse at Delft, Netherlands where Boyan Slat lives is shown here. The eclipse is placed in the angles so it is very significant for the place. The 12th house in any chart has been called “the garbage dump of the zodiac” [1] so in our study of the eclipse this is where we will start. Notice that Mars, the ruler of the 12th, is placed in the 1st house conjunct the star Ras Algethi, alpha Hercules. About the constellation Hercules, Nick Fiorenza [2] writes:

Hercules stands upside down in the northern Heavens, above Ophiuchus and this entire scene, with his feet (foundation) in the celestial dome (seven Heavens), in the realm of the gods, and with his head and hands at work in the realm of humankind. With his head and other hand, Hercules demonstrably aids those in the incarnate world to claim their freedom from perpetuated entrapment.

Hercules is known for his shrewdness and valor in action and for his masculinity, his great strength and courage, and his sexual prowess and great appetites including those erotic. He is renowned for making the world safe for humankind.

Ras Algethi, [16sa21] the head of Hercules, is the lucida (brightest star) of this constellation . Ras Algethi embodies the wisdom of Hercules (derived partly from heritage and partly from experience) and contributes significantly to the Ophiuchus / Scorpio theme. Hercules is one seeded from another realm, who is intimately aware of the dilemma of this realm and its cause (the amalgamation of those from the heavens with those from the Earth). His beauty and intelligence (from Alcmene) and his wisdom of evolutionary matters along with his shrewd sagacity (from Zeus) is the motivation driving his actions. His presence upon this solar system's (soul's) incarnational plane is thus of a service capacity and mission of evolutionary proportion. Ras Algethi embodies the wisdom of Herculis and is of undaunted dedication with his entirety of being to ensure the evolutionary freedom for all souls on the Earth.

Also conjoining Ras Algethi is Sarin, Delta Hercules, composing (with Kornephorus) the shoulder of Hercules. Sarin embodies the essence of Hercules' "sense of responsibility" to aid others in attaining their freedom in life.

Mars[17sa]  forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter [17le] and Uranus [14ar]. Jupiter is conjunct the stars of the protective Great Bear  and the poisonous Hydra which Diana Rosenberg links to “issues  relating to the destruction or protection of children, animals and the environment”.

Jupiter brings an expansive, open energy which complements Uranus’ inventive tone. As a pair, they have, throughout history, been linked to creative and scientific breakthroughs.

Finally, we notice Neptune [5pi] in a sharp square to the horizon axis. This extract from Stariq [3] about Neptune in Pisces says it all:

The value of water is likely to increase, along with investments in conservation and desalinization. However, the effects of pollution might also grow more evident, leading to extensive research to address these problems. Neptune in Pisces increases sensitivity to toxins, requiring more thorough cleanup of existing waste and a more cautious approach to introducing new products into the environment. These may be the last days of plastic as we know it, replacing current chemical formulas with biodegradable substitutes.

Progressing the eclipse chart to Oct. 16, the date of the news, aligns the eclipse axis and the accompanying Grand Trine with the meridian triggering an event in which all the issues mentioned above find a place.
