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The Lunar Eclipse at Washington

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of October 8, 2014 is likely to be very significant for the US. There are at least two astrological reasons for this. First because the eclipse falls on the horizon axis at Washington and is part of a powerful Grand Cross involving Uranus-Pluto on the angles. The second reason is that it activates the radix Sun-Saturn square in US Sibley where the Sun is receiving an opposition from Pluto transit. Here is a quote from a previous post [1]

In his brilliant essay Uranus-Pluto and the USA Chart,[1] Bill Herbst explains why he is convinced that the USA is about to go through a difficult time in 2014-2015. The primary reason that he gives is as follows:

The one piece of astrological information that proved so convincing was the  Grand Cross that will be formed in 2014-2015 between Uranus and Pluto squared  in the heavens and the natal Sun-Saturn square in any of the July 4, 1776 birth charts for the USA.

To understand the importance of  Pluto transit opposite the US Sibley’s Sun, here is an extract from astrologer Doug Walker [2][3]:

Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. This term, creative destruction, was coined by the Viennese economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter described creative destruction as, a “process of…mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the….structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, and incessantly creating a new one.” The chart of the USA (7/4/1776) is undergoing some major Plutonian transits. Pluto has opposed first Venus (which brought on a severe financial crisis in America in 2008/10), then Jupiter for the year, 2010, and also in 2011 and 2012. By 2014 it will move on to the opposition of the US Sun (see Pluto/Sun page), which is located in the Sibley chart at 13° Cancer 19΄. This type of opposition from Pluto to the USA chart has never happened before and it should bring on some severe crises.

Now we come to the opposition of Pluto to the natal Sun in the US chart.

To review: in a nation’s chart, the Sun shows its leadership. In the 1066 AD coronation chart of William on Christmas Day, the Sun represented William, the King of England. On May 10, 1940 the Sun of the same chart represented Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister. Aug. 8, 1974, Richard Nixon, President of the United States, resigned. That day transiting Saturn conjuncted the natal US Sun: They were both at 13 degrees Cancer. 29.54 years later this transit occurred again, and a beloved retired president died quietly in his sleep. It was still about the same thing: leadership. He was given a long, dignified funeral.

The Sun is also the heart of a country, everything it stands for. The Sun is the purpose, the drive, the will of the people who put the country together. In the USA chart, it is “we the people”, who under the rule of law, guarantee everyone “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. And that is essentially what has been created for the last 235 years, and what has made America perhaps the greatest nation in human history.

Two things can happen with this opposition.

First, this whole American experiment will collapse and die. And that can happen with the oppositions and conjunctions of Pluto. A transiting Pluto conjunct the Soviet Union’s natal Sun caused the Soviet Union to collapse and die. A transiting Pluto opposition destroyed the Nazis; Pluto displayed an aspect of nemesis that the Nazi’s never survived.

What will happen to our leaders? What will happen to the elites in Washington?

They will be tested for flaws in character. If the flaws are deep, they will fall. Fate will be the judge of any weakness here. There will be no mercy for bad decisions. Lies can be disastrous; shortcuts will not work.

Expect to see a new type of leadership in America. In any kind of suddenly apparent disconnection between the American people and its politicians, and bureaucrats, and administrators, and judges, it will be the leaders who fall. The new leadership will lead by falling back on to the original founding core values of America.

Although an eclipse is potentially active for quite some time after its occurrence, its effect can also be felt immediately. The Sibley lunar return chart for October  brings the Uranus-Pluto square to a  hard aspect with the meridian and therefore appears to suggest the possibility that the eclipse effect will be felt in this month.

[3] Capsolar at Washington hints at financial collapse

P.S. The current Solar Return chart for the US Federal Reserve (23 December 1913; 18:02 EST, Washington DC) is given below. Notice the powerful Uranus-Pluto linked Grand Cross on the horizon axis. Also note that progressing the chart by the PSSR method aligns the Cross to the angles once again between roughly October 12 – 14. Will we hear some bad news on the financial front? Let us wait and watch.
