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The much-delayed war on procrastination

Author David Nicholls revealed that he spent two years writing his new book using an anti-procrastination app. Is procrastination a bigger problem than ever? Often it's so innocent. It might even be relevant initially. A quick Wikipedia fact-check, perhaps. But before long you've been sucked into the wormhole. Link after link, page after page. When you finally snap out of it you've lost a precious hour and you're reading about the intricacies of 16th Century Prussian politics. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. "We're really entering the golden age of procrastination," says Dr Piers Steel, who has conducted surveys and written The Procrastination Equation. "One in four [people] would describe themselves as a chronic procrastinator, [while] over half the population would describe themselves as frequent," he says. Procrastination is more than merely delaying a task - it's doing so despite expecting to be worse off” . "In the last 40 years there's been about a 300-400% growth in chronic procrastination," which is when it becomes particularly self-defeating, Steel explains. BBC; Oct.10

It is interesting and appropriate that this news should come to us under a Mercury retrograde cycle  and more specifically in Libra – a  sign linked to indecisiveness and procrastination.  Erin Sullivan in her book “Retrograde Planets” writes:

Awareness is defined as a state in which the self is undifferentiated from the environment  essentially a divine  state of unconsciousness. Attention is defined as acute separation  resulting in definitive focusing on details that gives rise to conscious participation in and relationship with the environment.

I perceive the Mercury direct phase as the “cycle of attention” and the Mercury retrograde phase as the “cycle of awareness”. Normally we think that the conscious mind should always be in control but the retrogression cycle teaches us otherwise. In particular when Mercury is retrograde, then something important is calling for awareness. Mercury acts as an agent for recollection and for the curing of the soul through illumination.

This is what is reported in the news as “procrastination”. On October 10, the date of the news, Mercury [28li] is conjunct the star Izar, epsilon Bootes [28li19]. Nick Fiorenza explains the lesson that this star teaches us which also appears to be the answer to self-defeating chronic procrastination.

Here we may find unique events occurring in space and time, and intimate encounters, portals that can change our evolutionary experience if we are willing to make a leap of faith. Opportunities presented here allows us to walk away from the mundane, from what is established in our lives, from what seems to make sense to onlookers. They require a leap into the void with the knowing there are subtle but greater soul-level currents that can carry us to our greater fulfillment.
