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Upskirt Photos Don't Violate A Woman's Privacy

Women can add public peeping toms to the long and ongoing list of things they need to protect themselves from. On Sept. 4, Washington, D.C. Superior Court Judge Juliet McKenna dismissed charges against Christopher Cleveland who was accused of taking pictures up women's skirts without their consent or knowledge at the Lincoln Memorial. Judge McKenna ruled that no person could "have a reasonable expectation of privacy" when "clothed and positioned" in the manner in which these women were in a public space (sitting on steps in a skirt). Huffington Post

To understand this news we go back to the Full Moon eclipse of April 15, 2014. In his post on the eclipse, Nick Fiorenza wrote:

The April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse occurs just into sidereal Libra conjoining Ceres and Vesta opposite the Sun-Juno-Eris conjunction. Notice also the Vesta-Ceres-Moon conjunction nesting between Mars and the North Lunar Node, creating one entire energetic directly in opposition to the entire stellium of planets including the Sun-Juno-Eris conjunction and the Mercury-Uranus conjunction. Thus the Lunar Eclipse becomes another significant dynamic of the Grand Square.

What he implied was that the eclipse should not be considered separate from the Grand Cross. In that case we find one leg of the Cross - Pluto conjunct Eros square Vesta. In other words sex (Eros) is confounded by control needs and hidden agenda, perhaps confused with domination or revenge and a way to "toy" with others (Pluto).  With Vesta also part of the Cross sex is depersonalized; people  understand what it means to be a "sex object."  

EROS: Sexuality; VESTA: Impersonal behaviour

 The eclipse Moon [25li] was conjunct the star Spica, alpha Virgo [24li] placed on the cusp of the 9th house linked to law courts. In India,  Spica  was the determinant star of the Lunar Mansion Chitra – literally “picture”.

The sidereal Virgo-Libra cusp (tropical 24li)  itself, (Spica / Archturus) is of the sexual-divine union of true soul compliments, but more embracingly of the commitment to ensure the safe ascension of the Earth and Humanity. Boötes, straddling the Virgo-Libra cusp, is of creating a safe and proper environment for conception, birthing, healing, and ascension.

I dub the Legs of the Virgin, extending from Spica (the cusp of sidereal Virgo-Libra) to 17 degrees sidereal Libra, "Under the skirt of the Virgin" to articulate the now occulted wisdom regarding use / misuse of reproductive energies, associated arts, and the wisdom of Divine Harmony in the creative process; the Divine Union of true soul compliments; and the re-incarnational process of the soul.

On the Ascendant [16aq] is Alpha (α) Grus, Alnair, [16aq] – a star marking the body of the Crane. Nick Fiorenza links this star to law courts.

The last decan of Capricorn is of libraries, courts, publishing houses, literary agencies, or where any legalities are formulated, agreed upon and concretized. Al Nair, Alpha Gruis and the northern Delphinus constellation mark the beginning of the last decan of Capricorn. [1]

On the IC [3ge] is the asteroid Amor [0ge] while on the descendant [16le] is the asteroid Atlantis [19le].

AMOR: can you/ should you set boundaries or limits on what another can do to you.
ATLANTIS: invasions of privacy; access to inside or confidential information.

Progressing the eclipse chart to September 4, the date of the court verdict, aligns the eclipse axis with the meridian touching off the related issues  in the Grand Cross highlighted above. But before we end we need to look at the Uranus-Pluto square contained in the Grand Cross once again. We need to understand that Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn can be double sided. One isn’t good and the other bad. Each planet-sign pair has positive and negative meanings as judged by context and perspective. Uranus in Aries can mean standing up for individual freedom through the personal rights against the draconian power of a collective which no longer considers the needs of  individuals which is the dark side of Pluto in Capricorn. But the equation can work the other way too. More specifically,  in this case we see the power of the collective to strike down the rights of people who violate reasonable dress sense in public and cry foul  if a photographer takes a photo of what is visible to anyone  This is what the Hon’ble Judge Juliet J. Mckenna pointed out in her order [2].

The issue is whether women in a public space with private areas of their bodies exposed to public view have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such that an individual intentionally capturing such an image can be engaged in the crime of Voyeurism…the Court finds that such an expectation of privacy is not reasonable.
