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Vatican proposes 'stunning' shift on gays, lesbians

ROME (CNN) – Using strikingly open language, a new Vatican report says the church should welcome and appreciate gays, and offers a solution for divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion. At a press conference on Monday to present the report, Cardinal Louis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines said the most-discussed topics at a meeting of Catholic clergy here has been the impact of poverty, war and immigration on families. But the newly proposed language on gays and civil marriages represents a  “pastoral earthquake,” said one veteran Vatican journalist. Oct 13

This news comes in the wake of the powerful Full Moon lunar eclipse of October 8. A chart for the eclipse at Rome is shown here. Notice the placement of the Grand Cross on the meridian axis. A Venus-Uranus opposition, a Venus-Pluto square and a Uranus-Pluto square are all contained in the Cross. Recognising that Venus is the planet of relationships and that Uranus-Pluto can be linked to transformations in our ways of thinking, it is not difficult to see why this combination is leading to changes in the Vatican’s approach to the controversial areas mentioned above. (Incidentally, Uranus-Pluto squares have been linked to a sudden release of elemental forces like earthquakes so that the use of the term “pastoral earthquake”  here is quite appropriate.)

In a previous post US Supreme Court Clears Gay Marriage I wrote:

This development can be understood perfectly if we draw the chart for the Full Moon eclipse of October 8 at Washington. Notice that  Venus – the planet of relationships and marriage – on the Ascendant is caught up by the Uranus-Pluto transformative Grand Cross on the angles.

This particular aspect is associated with GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender).  Also, most “unusual” aspects of sexual activity are activated by this.

Ebertin’s key phrases for Uranus-Pluto are:

Uranus-Pluto:The process of transformation. Collapse of the old order, construction of the new. Revolution.

Since Uranus-Pluto form hard aspects with the TNP Kronos (laws, rules and regulations) and Venus (relationships) we can see why the laws governing relationships and marriage are changing.

This is also borne out by the stars of the Virgin and the Hydra on the MC.  Here the Virgin’s puritanical approach to sexuality  meets the ‘evil’ Hydra, the water serpent. Water or sea serpents are symbols of the animal life-force.  Also here is mu Velorum in the Sail of the Celestial Ship Argo. Here fresh winds can fill Argo’s Sail sweeping her through dangerous straits into the clear, clean air of freedom. Transits to these stars can bring about major changes in laws, mores and ways of thinking. Issues  include  human rights, law, religious freedom vs oppression, suppression etc. [1]

 [1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [ v.2, p.64-66]
