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90-Year-Old Man Arrested For Feeding The Homeless

An elderly man in Florida was arrested for violating a new ordinance in Fort Lauderdale that outlaws groups from feeding the homeless in public. Arnold Abbott, a 90-year-old homeless advocate, was charged alongside two ministers for attempting to feed the hungry with food made in the kitchen of the Sanctuary Church. If convicted, Abbott and his philanthropic friends could face up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. November 5, 2014

To understand this news we will look at the chart for the Lunar Eclipse of April 15, 2014. The  Full Moon makes a sesquisquare aspect to the Venus-Neptune conjunction. Neptune [6pi] is conjunct alpha (α) Piscis Austrinus, Fomalhaut, [4pi]  a reddish star in the mouth of the Southern Fish, Piscis Austrinus  while Venus [10pi] is conjunct stars in the Water-pourer’s urn. The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn. Symbolically, the combination is  referring to feeding the hungry. 

The Full Moon [25li16]  is conjunct the stars Spica, alpha Virgo , the Virgin and Archturus, alpha Bootis, the herdsman or shepherd. To the Arabs he was Al Haris al Soma, Protector of Heaven  and Al Haris al Samak, Protector of the Defenceless One.

In addition, the Moon [25li] is conjunct the asteroid Ceres [25li] and the dwarf planet Haumea [20li]. Ceres is related to food while Haumea appears to motivate action to reorient the current  destructive use of power and resources by those in authority into a nurturing force that supports and protects life, home and family for all [1].

Arion rescued by Dolphin

The Ascendant [18aq] is conjunct the star Sualocin [17aq]. Alpha (α) Delphinus, Sualocin, is a pale yellow star in the Dolphin. According to legend when Arion of Lesbos, the most famous lyre player, was doomed by the sailors and forced to cast himself into the sea, a Dolphin, charmed with the music of his funeral dirge carried him on its back, and bore him safely. It was for this characteristic of friendliness to man and philanthropy that earned the Dolphin, Delphinus, a place among the stars.

On the IC [0ge] are the stars of Perseus, the Rescuer.

Putting these pieces together, we get a picture of someone trying to help and feed the hungry. If now we progress the chart to Nov.6  by the Wynn Key Return method  the progressed horizon coincides with the eclipse luminaries triggering the event in the news.
