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Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth White Paper

In recent years, various members of the AE911Truth team have been working on a white paper titled “Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports.” Last month they finally completed the document. Its 25 concise points offer the most convincing proof that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the September 11, 2001, destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings were unscientific and fraudulent. The authors of "The 25 Points" designed the document to provide material that would compel the convening of a grand jury. Whether or not a grand jury is ever impaneled in any jurisdiction, though, readers of this white paper have the duty and privilege of acting as a virtual grand jury in all jurisdictions. After weighing the evidence meticulously laid out in "The 25 Points," readers can, by their resulting actions, help determine whether there will one day be a new, fully funded, truly independent, wholly transparent, and unimpeachably honest investigation of 9/11. Saturday, 01 November 2014. AE911Truth Staff

Adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement dispute the results of official investigations of the September 11 attacks of 2001. The "truthers", as they are, sometimes pejoratively called, primarily focus on what they claim are significant inconsistencies in that explanation, suggesting at the least a cover-up and, at most, complicity by insiders.

To understand this recent development  we will look at the precessed solar return chart for the 9/11 attack progressed  to 1 Nov. 14. Notice the Grand Cross on the angles. The interpretation of the various elements of the Cross are provided by Martha Wescott as under:


Disgust with leadership or  government ..see that folks in charge  or those who are supposed to be "in the know:" make mistakes, resort to underhanded activity, scrape the bottom of the  barrel, or exhibit all the refinement of The Three Stooges in their  heyday.  You'll also be more aware of criminal investigations, investigations in  government circles, sordid legal cases, the official word based on  research (or a sifting through detail or contributory data. The "pasts" of some people who are well-known (or in  leadership positions) are going to come to light. This is a time to have an appreciation for critical faculties and  attention to detail as preliminaries to success and goal-achievement,  but this may mean that protocols seem to have a lot of picayune hurdles.   Expect to  be keenly aware of the failings of those in power.  Another example  of this will be all the times you react to "wrongs or actual evil"  perpetrated by leaders,  bosses or governments.


There will be instances when you note that careful talk; people can say "less"  as a  ploy...but the cycle is begging for  catharsis so "keeping one's thoughts to oneself" may simply make issues  seem and feel even bigger (and keep them from reaching "the fresh air"  that could diffuse and heal.)  There may be a situation or two that  causes understanding that one can't force another to talk, and you may  also find that people don't want to talk ABOUT THE VERY MOST IMPORTANT  THINGS; they may be walking around uncomfortably dramatic situations and  reactions; they may be afraid that if they say all they're thinking,  something with change...for the worse...forever. Some things will be  held back because of the fear that if one starts, the floodgates will  open and there are just some things they aren't willing to say (to  themselves, if not to others!)  When people don't "speak their truth,"  others can wonder what they're up to, become suspicious, or feel  pressured.  Pressure can become obvious too to "stand up and be counted"  by putting one's principles and beliefs "on the line."  This is  certainly going to be an interesting period of time.

To complete the picture two other points need our attention  (a)  that the Uranus-Pluto square in the Grand Cross is about sudden revelations (Uranus) of what has remained hidden (Pluto) and (b) Mercury in the Solar Return chart occupies the same position as in the radix 9/11 chart where it was placed on the Ascendant [14li] amidst stars of the “lying” Raven and the meticulous “truth seeking” Virgin.  
