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Deadly mudslides engulf homes in Switzerland and Italy

At least four people have been killed in landslides in southern Switzerland and northern Italy following days of torrential rain. Two women died when a wall of mud destroyed a house near the Swiss town of Lugano on Sunday (Nov.16).

The cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as  important mundane events. Of these the Capricorn Ingress is considered the master chart for the year followed in importance by the Cancer Ingress. Shown here is the sidereal Cancer Ingress chart at Lugano. Notice that Neptune is conjunct the IC and makes sharp hard aspects to the nodal axis. About this position Kim Farnell writes:

Neptune - cool, wet, fog, mist, erosion in an earth sign, peculiar, freakish weather events, flooding. Neptune's power lies in its ability to lower the barometer and provoke torrential downpours and flooding conditions [1].

Neptune [5pi19] is conjunct the star Fomalhaut [4pi03] in the constellation of the Southern Fish. This is an important, first magnitude star, the 17th brightest star in the sky and the most southerly star visible at 50°N. Fomalhaut, (from the Arabic Fum al Hut, 'the Fish's mouth'). The area in which it lies has an heavy emphasis upon constellations with watery imagery, the goat-fish (Capricorn), the whale (Cetus), the water-pourer (Aquarius), the fishes (Pisces), and the dolphin (Delphinus) all located nearby, obviously earmarking this region as one that related to the rainy season of the ancient year, by which many of its stars are associated with floods or troubles at sea. The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn [2].

If we now progress the Cancer Ingress chart to Nov.16, the date of the event we find  that (a) the Uranus-Pluto square aspects the MC (b) the Lunar Nodes which are square the Sun (“Moon Wobble”) have reached a conjunction to the horizon axis.

Richard Tarnas associates Uranus-Pluto with “the unleashing of the elemental forces of nature in various senses (the tangible increase in signs of extreme climate change, volcanoes and earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes, tsunamis and floods, undersea oil eruptions, mining disasters).”

Moon Wobbles were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's Node. These powerful contacts occur when the Sun and the Node are in the same sign, or the opposing sign, or when the Sun is in a square aspect to the nodal axis.[2]

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting. [3]
