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Does the Name "Strauss-Kahn" Ring a Bell?

The International Monetary Fund has finally admitted that it was wrong to recommend austerity as early as it did in 2010-2011. The IMF now agrees that it should have waited until the US and EU economies were on a sustainable growth-path before advising them to trim their budget deficits and reduce public spending.  According to a report issued by the IMF’s research division, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO):  “IMF advocacy of fiscal consolidation proved to be premature for major advanced economies, as growth projections turned out to be optimistic…This policy mix was less than fully effective in promoting recovery and exacerbated adverse spillovers.”

What’s so disingenuous about the IMF’s apology,  is that the bank knew exactly what the effects of its policy would be, but stuck with its recommendations to reward its constituents.  That’s what really happened. The only reason it’s trying to distance itself from those decisions now, is to make the public think it was all  just a big mistake.

To understand the astrology behind this news we will look at the chart for the Lunar Eclipse of April 15, 2014 drawn for Washington DC where  the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is headquartered. Here the eclipse falls in the eighth house. In  mundane astrology the eighth house  is connected with national debts and financial agreements between countries – an area that is the domain of the IMF.

The Full Moon [25li]  is conjunct the stars Spica, alpha Virgo , the Virgin and Arcturus, alpha Bootis, the herdsman or shepherd. To the Arabs he was Al Haris al Soma, Protector of Heaven  and Al Haris al Samak, Protector of the Defenceless One. In addition, the Moon [25li] is conjunct the dwarf planet Haumea [20li].  Haumea appears to motivate action to reorient the current  destructive use of power and resources by those in authority into a nurturing force that supports and protects life, home and family for all.

The  Full Moon [25li] makes a sesquisquare aspect to the Venus-Neptune conjunction . Neptune [6pi] is conjunct alpha (α) Piscis Austrinus, Fomalhaut, [4pi]  a reddish star in the mouth of the Southern Fish, Piscis Austrinus  while Venus [10pi] is conjunct stars in the Water-pourer’s urn. The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn. Symbolically, the combination is  referring to taking care of  the needy.

Progressing the eclipse chart to Nov. 25, the date of the news, aligns a powerful Grand Cross with the angles. The elements of the Cross are delineated by Martha Wescott as below:

People's power and control needs will  cause a lot of unfairness to others.

Leaders, executives or experts make mistakes or discuss the past; to see that people in authority indulge in “dirty business” or hidden activities; leaders (or their actions) are responsible for the poverty and difficulty of others.

Finally note that the progressed Ascendant is conjunct the stars of  Corvus, the Raven.  The classical myths that relate to this constellation speak of shameful motives, insincerity, trickery and deceit, glorification in the misfortune of others, and the bearing of bad news.

In brief, having gone against the message of the eclipse, the progression of the angles to the transformative Uranus-Pluto Grand Cross brings to light the issues hidden so far by the IMF.

Jupiter on the progressed MC is in the midst of the Gemini twins and conjoins Sirius and Canopus, two extremely significant stars. In ancient China, Sirius was known as the “Wolf Star” and associated with avarice, greed, thievery and looting. On the other hand, Canopus,  navigator of the Argo, in its older derivation is the Egyptian Kahi Nub, meaning "Golden Earth"—representative of the vision of abundance and plenty held for our beloved Earth by this helmsman.

If we recall Ebertin’s key phrase for Uranus-Pluto – the collapse of an old order and the beginning of a new one – the purpose of the Grand Cross becomes clear. It is pushing for a major change in the leadership, forcing them to recognize the need to get past self-serving shameful motives and begin to truly serve the masses.

So now the IMF wants to throw a little dust in everyone’s eyes by making it look like it was a big goof-up by well-meaning but misguided bankers. And the media is helping them by its omissions. Let me explain: Of the more than 455 articles on Google News covering the IMF’s mea culpa, not one piece refers to the man who was the IMF’s Managing Director at the time in question. Doesn’t that strike you as a bit odd? Why would the media scrub any mention of Dominique Strauss-Kahn from its coverage? Could it be that (according to NPR): “The IMF’s managing director wanted to give Greece, Portugal and Ireland the time needed to put their accounts in order, and he also argued for softening the austerity measures associated with the bailouts for those countries.

Fortunately we have Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s horoscope [1] with an “AA” rating – meaning that the time of birth can be relied upon. So here we will  look at his progressed solar return for Nov. 25, when as the news article claims, he has been vindicated. Notice the same Grand Cross discussed above on the angles!
