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French UMP hit by anti-Sarkozy plot claim

Allegations that a former prime minister under Nicolas Sarkozy tried to halt the ex-president's political comeback have shaken French politics. Francois Fillon denies a report that in June he asked President Francois Hollande's chief of staff to speed up legal cases lodged against Mr Sarkozy. The chief of staff, Jean-Pierre Jouyet, initially denied the report but then admitted the cases had been discussed. Mr Fillon has accused the Socialist president's chief of staff of lying. BBC; Nov. 10.

The horoscope of  the French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy  was analyzed in a previous post [1]. His current solar arc progressions are given in  the table below.

Name  Sarkozy, Nicolas    
Birthname:  Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa
born on: 28 January 1955 at 22:00 (= 10:00 PM )
Place:  Paris, France, 48n52, 2e20
Rodden Rating AA


Sarkozy - Natal Chart
 28 Jan 1955, 22:00, CET -1:00
 Paris France, 48°N52', 002°E20'
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
 Koch Houses,  True Node

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current)

MC (11) Sqr          Kro (9)    (X)           Sa-Na     6 Aug 2015                           25°Le41' D            25°Ta41' R
MC (11) Cnj          Plu (12)  (X)           Sa-Na     28 Nov 2015                         25°Le59' D            25°Le59' R
MC (11) Opp        Mer (6)  (X)           Sa-Na     13 Jul 2016                           26°Le36' D            26°Aq36' D

*** END REPORT ***

Pluto is in the 12th house opposite Mercury in the 6th house. A Mercury-Pluto combination can be vindictive communication. In addition, key phrases for the 12th  house are:

Twelfth house
Its significations include secret, unknown enemies, such men as maliciously undermine their neighbours or inform secretly against them; traitors, spies.

With Saturn  transit  [25sc] completing a T-square with Mercury-Pluto, it is no surprise that we  are hearing the news mentioned above.

[1] Sarkozy detained over influence peddling
