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Hagel Resigns Under Pressure as Global Crises Test Pentagon

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel resigned under pressure on Monday after President Obama determined that he had to shake up his national security team in the face of escalating conflicts overseas and hawkish Republicans reasserting themselves on Capitol Hill.

It was a striking reversal for a president who chose Mr. Hagel two years ago in part to limit the power of Pentagon officials who had repeatedly pushed for more troops in Afghanistan and a slower drawdown of American forces from Iraq. But in the end, Mr. Hagel’s passivity and lack of support in Mr. Obama’s inner circle proved too much for an administration that found itself back on a war footing. Nov. 24 NY Times

Shown here is Solar Return (precessed) for the US Sibly  progressed to Nov.24, the date of the news. The elements in the Grand Cross straddling the angles can be interpreted as below:

Pluto-Uranus : power struggles with friends or within groups.

Kronos-Hades: the decline of a leader or  executive authority

Kronos-Zeus : a military authority (a defense secretary ?)

The Ascendant [9cn] and TNP Kronos [8cn] are conjunct the star Alhena [9cn]. About this star Nick Fiorenza writes:

Alhena, Gamma Gemini, indicates a milestone or a turning point has been reached or is to be acknowledged. Alhena indicates the need to get off the fence of indecision, to drop any hesitation, as the "time is at hand" to go forth anew. As the dividing star of the sidereal sign of Gemini, Alhena invites a separation, a leaving, a departure, and a new commencement, even an exodus or liftoff--to move on and engage in a new level of participation.

"Chuck" Hagel was born October 4, 1946. His radix Sun [10li] Neptune [8li] is currently has been  receiving the full force of the transit Uranus-Pluto square.

Pluto-Neptune: One is too sensitive to counter the control-needs or psychological games of others; others gain power by capitalising on one’s passivity or weakness. 
