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Napoleon's hat sells for 1.9m euros

(Reuters) - A two-cornered hat that belonged to French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was sold to a South Korean bidder for 1.9 million euros ($2.4 million) at auction near Paris on Sunday (Nov.15). Jean-Pierre Osenat of the Osenat auction house in Fontainebleau said the buyer acquired the black "bicorne" felt hat in a sale of Napoleon-era items from the collections of the Prince of Monaco. The bicorne hat was a trademark of Napoleon, who wore it athwart, the two points aligned with his shoulders. "Everybody at the time wore that kind of hat one way, but Napoleon wore it the other way so that everybody would recognize his silhouette on the battlefield," said the auction official. Nov.16

Napoleon  Bonaparte was born on15 August 1769 at 11:30 (= 11:30 AM ),Ajaccio, France [1]. His natal Sun was 22le46. The Last Quarter Moon [22le] of Nov.14, 2014  [22le] was conjunct  Jupiter [22le] and Napolean’s radix Sun [23le] in the mundane 5th house. The 5th house among other things rules [2]:

Fifth House
Items purchased for the purpose of pleasure and enjoyment. The arts and muses. Dancing, music, merriment. Clothes, fineries and rich, luxurious things.

The Moon [22le] was conjunct the Mu (μ) Leo, Ras Elased Borealis, [22le] an orange star on the head of the lion.

If we now combine the elements Moon in Leo with Jupiter (king of kings)  conjunct a star in the Lion’s head with in the house (5th house)  of luxurious apparel do we have the Emperor’s hat? (Incidentally, the 5th house also rules ‘speculation’ as in the stock market or even in an auction house?)

In addition the Sun and Moon aspect Kronos-Hades on the IC which form  part of a powerful Grand Cross. On the IC is also the asteroid Cupido-A

CUPIDO-A: Vanity; concern about appearances (inc. the idea of keeping up appearances and doing things for the sake of appearances;) art and beauty interests

The combination Kronos-Hades refers to a famous (Kronos) historical (Hades) personage.

On the MC [13cp] conjunct Mars [14cp] and Pluto [12cp] are stars of  the Archer and Aquila, the Eagle.  About the Archer, the Roman astrologer Manilius wrote:

"As for the Archer, when the foremost portion of his cloak rises, he will give birth to hearts renowned in war and will conduct the conqueror, celebrating great triumphs in the sight of all, to his country's citadels. [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4, p.267]

The Eagle has been associated with kings, emperors, conquerors, tyrants and  politicians so that when we combine this with Kronos-Hades on the IC we are now referring to not just any famous historical person but  to an Emperor!
