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Russian capital Moscow shrouded in noxious gas

Residents of parts of the Russian capital Moscow have been urged by the emergencies ministry to stay indoors because of a noxious gas that is spreading through the city. The source of the gas is unclear - no accidents have been reported at any of Moscow's chemical factories. Media reports said that the gas was hydrogen sulphide, which can be highly toxic and smells like rotten eggs. It has been smelt in central, eastern and south-eastern parts of the city. The gas was also detected in the capital's main shopping areas and around the parliament building, reports said. BBC; Nov 10;

Incidents like these can be related to the Moon phases. Here we will see that both the Full Moon of Nov.7 and the Waning Gibbous Moon of Nov. 10 have together created this event.

The Full Moon [14ta] is conjunct Menkar, alpha Ceti [14ta] in Cetus’ head so that Diana Rosenberg links this area to head and throat ailments including suffocation. The Sun [14sc] is conjunct 52 Hydra [14sc].

This constellation represents the Hydra of Lerna. The feminine Hydra and the masculine Hydrus are separate constellations. The etymology for these two constellations are intertwined, the word hydrogen could relate to either or both. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Most of the Earth's hydrogen is in the form of chemical compounds such as hydrocarbons and water. Hydrogen (hydrogen sulphide ?) gas is produced by some bacteria and algae and is a natural component of flatus or flatulence. The myth says "even smelling the Hydra's footprints was enough to bring death to an ordinary mortal" [1].

It must remembered that the Full Moon stars apply for the whole world and are not specific to Moscow especially since they are not close enough to any of the angles. However, if as we shall see in this case, there are stars on the angles which resonate with the stars of the Full Moon, then  an event takes place which contains the common theme. The Ascendant of the Full Moon chart at Moscow [10vi] is conjunct the star Zosma [11vi].

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate …. toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens [2]

On the descendant of the chart is Neptune in aspect to the TNP Hades. For this combination Martha Wescott gives us the following key phrases:

Poor water or air quality; filth through air, water vapors and fluids.

The Waning Gibbous Moon [3cn] of Nov. 10 fell on the TNP Hades [4cn] highlighting the Hades-Neptune combination. But once again what made this important for Moscow were (a) the Sun was conjunct the stars of the Hydra in the 6th house of public health (b) the IC [3le] was conjunct Rotten Egg Nebula (Calabash Nebula) [1le]. For this area, Diana Rosenberg lists “air contamination and bad odors”
