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Australian foxes are declared pests

Foxes have been officially declared a pest in New South Wales but there is concern people are taking them as pets. The NSW government has for the first time announced a pest control order for foxes, which are not native to Australia. The order will make it easier for local land services to target foxes and to control who keeps them in captivity. Foxes are estimated to be responsible for about A$227.5m (£121m) of damage to Australia's environment and economy. BBC; December 8;

The news comes to us under the Full Moon of December 6. The Moon [14ge] is conjunct the star Rigel, beta Orion and is placed in the eleventh house. Orion is known as the "mighty hunter" and the eleventh house is  the “parliament” and  by association “long term national programs and schemes for improvement” [1]. Putting the two elements together we have a hint of laws that may unleash the hunter Orion.

 But what is Orion going to hunt? The clue to that comes from the stars on the IC and the descendant. On the IC [25sc] is the star kappa Centauri [25sc], in the Centaur’s spear hand holding the wild beast Lupus. In ancient star mythology, Lupus was originally an indeterminate beast, a symbol of fierceness, evil, and devouring (thus gluttony); it was a despoiler of flocks, rapacious, cruel, crafty and bloodthirsty. On the descendant [8aq] is the star 13 Vulpecula [7aq], the Fox! [2]. So the pieces  appear to fall together – it is all about laws to eliminate the “evil” fox.
