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Korean Airlines Nutgate episode

A former Korean Air executive visited the home of a cabin crew chief on Sunday to apologise for ordering him off a plane over the way a snack was served. Cho Hyun-ah, daughter of the chairman of Korean Air, Cho Yang-ho, resigned from all her posts at the family-run flag carrier on Tuesday in the face of an intense public backlash and investigations by state authorities. The 40-year-old forced a New York-Seoul flight to return to the terminal and eject the cabin crew chief on 5 December after she took exception to the arrival of some macadamia nuts she had not asked for, served in a packet rather than a bowl.

The incident occurred at the New York terminal on December 5 – the day before the Full Moon. Shown here is the chart for the Full Moon of December 6 at NY. Notice the significant  placement of the luminaries on the horizon axis and a Grand Cross straddling the meridian. As we have seen in several previous posts, stars that form the backdrop to planets or angles can  provide clues to deciphering events. Here conjunct the Sun [14sa] are the stars Sarin, delta Herculis and Wei, epsilon Scorpio. In India this was part of the lunar asterism “Mula” ruled by Nirrti, “Goddess of Destruction”. Diana Rosenberg informs us that “here are people who are authoritarian and controlling. Absolutist leadership is their metier; they do best as dictators for they are prone to unilateral action, unencumbered by the opinions and assumptions of others. This may lead to attacks upon their positions or reputations and loss of elective office” [*].  The Moon [14ge] which because it is  conjunct Columba, the Dove, and the North Node of Uranus (the Greek Sky god) is linked with aircrafts. So just putting the last two pieces together we have someone acting like a dictator on board an aircraft!

A further confirmation comes from the stars of Corvus, the Crow, related to flights, on the MC.  In addition, the Grand Cross straddling the MC has a Pluto-Uranus square with Pluto conjunct Icarus, the asteroid connected with flights.

Pluto-Uranus: Unexpected reactions based on resentments.
Kronos-Hades: People in authority behave badly.


[*] In passing let us recall that the same Full Moon placement at Washington DC has led to public criticism of Dick Cheney and George Bush, among others, for their role in the barbaric torture of prisoners.
