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Renowned violinist berates coughing child

Renowned violinist Kyung-Wha Chung has shocked audiences at the Royal Festival Hall by publicly berating the parents of a coughing child. The South Korean prodigy had been absent from the London stage for 12 years, partly due to a finger injury.  But the 66-year-old took offence at a child coughing during her performance of Mozart's Sonata In G. "Maybe bring her back when she's older," she scolded the parents from the stage. BBC; Dec.3

We may imagine that this is a fairly small incident to find a place in the star patterns for the day and we would be wrong! Let us start with the chart for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of April 15, 2014 which was placed in the 5th house at London. Among its rulership the 5th house includes theatres, places of entertainment as well as issues connected with children. The eclipse Moon [25li] was anchored to a powerful Grand Cross. It was conjunct the star Spica [24li]. In India, this was the single determinant star of Citra, ruled by Tvastr, the heavenly carpenter,. Valerie Roebuck writes of Citra’s ruler, the divine Carpenter: “Tvastr and his children possess maya, the power of making and shaping the way others see the world that is a form of magic.” People here often have literary, artistic and especially musical ability.

The eclipse luminaries were anchored to a powerful Grand Cross in which Pluto [14cp] is conjunct the star Vega [15cp], alpha Lyra [1] in the constellation of the Lyre! Pluto is opposite Kronos-Hades and Jupiter [12cn] along with the asteroid Child [16cn].

CHILD: Aspect pattern relates to one’s own experience as a child and to attitudes toward and events with children; childish reactions (ranging from innocence to immaturity.)

KRONOS: Authoritative positions; leaders; events through people in the public eye.

HADES: Disgusting/distasteful.

The TNPs  Hades-Kronos can combine to produce distasteful behaviour from someone in the public eye. The asteroid Child brings events connected with children and even childish reactions.

Progressing the eclipse chart to Dec. 3 aligns the Grand Cross with the meridian axis triggering the event. (Please note that as soon as a progressed angle touches the leading edge of a slightly skewed Grand Cross as is the case here…the MC squares Kronos… the entire configuration is triggered.).

Finally, we also note that Jupiter [13cn] is conjunct 62 Aurigae, in the Charioteer’s whip hand and omega Geminorum (14cn) in Castor’s right hand holding a harp! About this position, Diana Rosenberg notes that there can be a “mean streak” (whip hand).
