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The unlikely love affair between two countries

The chaos and conflict that once consumed the port of Mogadishu are now gone and a few foreign investors are starting to move into Somalia. Turkey is leading the way - but why is there such a strong bond between these two countries? Where once rival militias battled for control of these docks, giant container ships now line up to discharge their cargoes of cement, vehicles, pasta and rice. Huge cranes swoop up and down. Some operated by Turks, others by Somalis. As a container swings uncomfortably close above my head, the sprightly Turkish manager of the port tells me that since his company took over in September, it has been bringing in a monthly revenue of $4m, and rising. Fifty-five percent goes straight to the Somali government. BBC; December 15.

Dr. Z – the Zodiac Master [1] presents the following rule (commonly referred to as the Lois Sargent rule)  for very powerful attractions between charts.

The Comparison - Rule of Thumb
If my Ascendant is located in the same Zodiac Sign (Sign conjunct) as your Sun, then that can spell out a very strong potential for mutual romantic attraction. My Ascendant Sign (my outer behaviors) attract and draw in your Sun Sign (your heart and creative energy).

The mundane horoscope of Turkey  is  drawn for 29 Oct 1923; 20:30 EET; Ankara.  The accepted chart for Somalia Republic is 1 July 1960; 0:00 BAT -3:00.   Therefore,   Somalia’s radix Sun [9cn] is conjunct Turkey’s Ascendant [8cn]  fulfilling the rule given above.

Having looked at the synastry, let us look at the Davison Relationship Chart between the two countries. Notice that the Sun [9pi] is in the 5th house of “romantic relationships” and  forms a T-square  with Jupiter-Apollon-Vulcanus-Cupido.  The TNP Apollon is about commerce and business while Cupido is about groups or partnerships and Vulcanus is about compulsions. So with Jupiter – the planet of good fortune – also in the mix, it is not surprising that the Somalia-Turkey relationship is thriving. But why has this been brought to our attention just now. Well for thing we are in the wake of a Full Moon [14ge] that fell on Jupiter [12ge] bringing the T-square to life!

The Sun is conjunct the stars of  Aquarius, the humanitarian Water Pourer. While the relationship between countries is usually based on self-interest, the presence of these stars as interpreted by Diana Rosenberg adds an additional dimension:

Here souls must make a great choice: whether to remain aloof to the anguish of others (or cause it!), or to learn sensitivity and compassion through their own painful experiences, becoming “wounded healers” who develop an impulse to help, teach, save and restore [3].

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.707)
