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Managing pain with the power of the mind

Vidyamala Burch is helping people in pain through the practice of "mindfulness", the act of paying more attention to the present moment. But it took her many years to discover it for herself first. When people are having serious difficulties, it can bring out the extreme sides of people's personalities, says Vidyamala Burch, a 55-year-old pain management practitioner based in Manchester. "One is the denial, pushy, driven side and the other is the more passive, overwhelmed, depressive side." BBC; 6 Jan

Once again as in so many cases in the past we will see how an eclipse long gone continues to create events in the present. Here we start with the Full Moon lunar eclipse of April 15, 2014 drawn for Manchester.  Notice that the Ascendant [22ge] is in a quincunx aspect to Saturn [21sc] in the 6th house connected with health issues. On the Ascendant  are stars of  Auriga – the Charioteer – often depicted as a man in wheel chair thereby indicating physical disabilities. For stars conjunct Saturn, Diana Rosenberg writes:

There may be chronic health problems and physical weaknesses. The great Serpent of physician/ shaman Ophiuchus offers a powerful ability for self-renewal should one choose to reach for it (there is often the challenge of self-healing and/or bearing up under chronic ailments.

For the same area of stars which includes Agena, beta Centauri [24sc], Nick Fiorenza adds:

The first few degrees of sidereal Scorpio, approaching the head of the Scorpion, resides in the domain the benevolent Centaur, who teaches the right way to live to attain our self-mastery in the physical world and subsequently to claim our freedom from entrapment in our antiquated patterns and life scenarios. The Centaurian training is not merely an intellectual understanding of these principles but is wisdom gained through an experiential journey moment-by-moment that leads us to true inner transmutation at a neurological level. Such wisdom results in the inner realization that makes self-mastery of the primal forces of life actualized and right action crystal clear. Here we learn to assemble the wisdom gained from our life experience as personal intent, and use that intent to mold the raw creative forces of life that define our experience.

Next we notice that Saturn is opposite the TNP Admetus and the asteroid Hygiea (health issues) in the 12th house. This house is particularly concerned with seclusion or isolation, or situations where one is restricted from living a carefree life-style. On the positive side it is associated with the benefits of  spirituality and meditation that can help overcome life-limiting situations.

Progressing the chart to Jan.6, the date of the news, brings the Uranus-Pluto Grand Cross in alignment with the meridian. Here we notice that Uranus and Mercury  are conjunct stars Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda and epsilon Cepheus placed in the head of the Princess Andromeda and King Cepheus respectively. The head as a symbol represents a fine mind gifted  with the ability to triumph over any and all limitations imposed by Andromeda’s chains.

Pluto on the progressed MC is conjunct sigma (σ) Sagittarius, Nunki, - a star on the vane of the arrow in the archer's hand. In many ways, as the ancient story below explains why the archer is a symbol of concentration and mindfulness.

Here’s a little story from the Hindu epic Mahabharata, about the renowned archery master Dronacharya training the Pandava brothers in the art and skill of archery. Once, when the five Pandava brothers and Karna were assembled for an archery instruction session with Guru Drona, he tied a wooden fish high on a tree above a pool of water, and asked each student, one by one, to take the archer’s stance. He instructed them to aim their bow and arrow at the fish’s eye, while looking only at its reflection in the water below. As each student came along and took his turn, Guru Drona made them pause in the stance and asked, “Son, what all do you see?” The oldest, Yudhisthira, answered, “The sky, the tree, the …,” and before he could finish, Drona stopped him and replaced him with the next boy.

Bhima answered, “The branch of the tree, the fish, the…,” and met the same fate. Even Karna was asked to step aside. When Arjuna, the ace-archer, was asked the same question, he stated without hesitation, “I see the eye of the fish.” And Guru Drona exclaimed with delight, “Shoot!” and Arjuna’s arrow unwaveringly pierced right through the eye of the fish.
