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Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders

Leaders in  Paris March

Hypocrites up and down the line. Terrorists themselves. Leaders who have been stoking the furnace of terrorism themselves, creating terrorists, supplying them with arms, tolerating their education in Saudi Arabia. Hypocrites. All those leaders who have been attacking Muslim countries for years on end and supplying arms. Hypocrites. All those leaders who yell “terrorism” when it suits their grander schemes of domination. Now when there is blowback in Paris, they yell “extremism” and use the occasion to continue and enlarge the war on terror. They use it to strengthen police state surveillance and to frighten the populations under their control. The West’s leaders have created terrorism, intentionally and unintentionally, knowingly and unknowingly, depending on the person and situation, and now they again are seeking to benefit from an attack on western ground. These same leaders stand by while Netanyahu engages in slaughtering Palestinians. They dismember Libya. They supply arms in Syria. They attack and destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. They now bemoan deaths for which they bear responsibility, for it is they who have invaded one Muslim country after another. Jan.11

The Paris Unity Marches took place under the shadow of upcoming Last Quarter lunar phase – a chart for which is shown here. On the MC is the TNP Cupido which is about a sense of family and group unity[1].

The MC and Cupido are  conjunct the star Lesath in the sting of the Scorpion.

 Nick Fiorenza explains the soul lessons that need to be learnt in this area:

Under the tail of the Scorpion and the cusp of  sideral Sagittarius, is Ara, the Altar of the Centaur. On the low altar, which lies in later sidereal Scorpio, the Centaur places Lupus the Beast (our lower-order personality-based patterns of self-importance, and associated emotional baggage) with conscious deliberation to be consumed in the Centaur’s transmutational pyre. Venom from Lesath, the sting of the Scorpion--the often harsh but required lessons incurred while incarnate--dripping upon the altar serves as the required transmutational elixir.

Centaurus stabbing Lupus the Wolf with a spear in preparation for sacrificing the beast  on Ara the Altar

In the context of our news, the meaning of the above paragraph is fairly obvious. The venom from Lesath, the sting of the Scorpion was the terror attack but instead of learning the lessons, the western leaders gathered at Paris in a hypocritical show of unity. And this is borne out by the chart. Here Cupido [24sa41] is exactly conjunct the Neptune-Node midpoint [24sa43]. Neptune is linked to hypocrisy, deception and escapism while the Moon’s Node governs associations and alliances or just people getting together. So what do we have? A group of hypocrites coming together! Notice the unwillingness to learn the spiritual lesson required of sacrificing the lower order personality at Ara the altar.

The opportunity lost can be best understood with an analogy. Think of this area of the zodiac as the point in the circle where it can “potentially” become a spiral. In other words, if the circle, represents repeating our karmic patterns, the spiral is where we can leave the lower order personality patterns. But the choice is entirely ours. This is another example of how the stars incline but do not compel.

Ophiuchus  stepping on the Scorpion

In the image above Ophiuchus represents the knowledge holder or the one who moves out of the repetitive circle into the liberating spiral. Ophiuchus, in the sidereal sign of Scorpio, lies above and on the ecliptic, standing over the Scorpion, which swings quite south of the ecliptic under Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is knowledge holder of DNA Illumination and Ascension procedures--one who has attained the ascension from the lower-order forces that perpetuate re-incarnational entrapment. In Greek myth, Aesculapius, the mediciner of the ship Argo, is also imaged as Ophiuchus, knowledgeable of advanced healing processes beyond the cycle of life and death.

And finally we notice that the Last Quarter Moon is placed in the 8th house of  sorrow, grief and death [2[ square Sun in the 11th house of groups, friends and allies [3] so that the allies coming together on the occasion of the terror deaths is quite clear. But what is not so obvious is the lesson the star backdrop to the Moon [22li] is asking the people to learn. The Moon here is conjunct the star Arcturus, alpha Bootes,  often depicted as a shepherd leading and protecting his flock . To the Arabs Arcturus  was Al Haris al Soma, Protector of Heaven  and Al Haris al Samak, Protector of the Defenceless One . Nick Fiorenza explains the true function of Bootes in the extract below.

Boötes stands against the fallen corrupt totalitarian world powers that have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth and typical catastrophic outcomes. The body of Boötes stands between the pure lucida of the Virgin (Spica) blocking the attempted manipulations of the old totalitarian and corrupt world powers (Benetnash). The stars of Boötes impel one to create and ensure a proper and harmonious environmental resonance for the healthy evolution of all life, unity consciousness, and for its eloquent creative expression and manifestation.

Pied Piper of Hamelin

Notice that leaders gathered in Paris do not fulfil this function at all. In fact, the millions marching behind them are the figurative “sheep” following a false or hypocritical shepherd who does not have their good at heart! Wouldn’t the image of the Pied Piper of Hamelin be more appropriate here?!!
