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Racing pigeons mistaken for spies

Pigeons believed by Vietnamese residents to have been sent to spy on the country by the Chinese government actually belong to a racing club, police have said. The pigeons, caught in central Vietnam, had Chinese characters stamped on their wings with red ink and a mysterious ring around their ankles. A total of 16 of the pigeons have been caught since last November by residents of Da Nang City, the local Thanh Nien News website reports. Jan.16

A chart for the last solar eclipse of Oct.24 at Da Nang, Vietnam has a slightly skewed Grand Cross on the angles. On the Ascendant with the TNP Zeus is the asteroid Atlantis.  Delineation for the relevant elements of the Grand Cross are as under [1][2].

ATLANTIS: Sense of impending doom; invasions of privacy; access to inside or confidential information.
ZEUS: military
KRONOS: altitude, flights; overhead/above; authority figures
HADES: mistakes

Atlantis-Zeus : military spies..if we add Kronos we have flights and by association the pigeons!

But the pigeons figure more directly too. If  we progress the chart to January 16, the date of the news, the Grand Cross re-aligns with the angles triggering the event. Notice that Kronos [9cn]  along with Hades [4cn] is conjunct  the star delta Columba [9cn] – in the constellation of Columba, the Dove!
