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Rifle from 1882 found leaning on tree in Nevada park

Archaeologists have found a 132-year-old rifle propped against a tree in Nevada's Great Basin National Park. It is unclear exactly how long the Winchester rifle had been left there, but it was long enough to leave the stock cracked and buried in dirt.  "It really is a mystery," said Nichole Andler, a spokeswoman for the park. Jan. 16; BBC;

Among mundane solar ingress charts, the Cancer Ingress is considered only second in importance to the Capricorn Ingress. Shown here is current Cancer Ingress progressed to January 16,2015  the date of the news. Notice the Grand Cross straddling the horizon axis. The combination TNP Zeus (rifle) along with TNP Hades (old or historical) can easily refer to the 132-year-old rifle that was found in the Park. Another clue comes from the star Nunki of Sagittarius conjunct the Ascendant and Pluto. Sigma (σ) Sagittarius, Nunki, is a star on the vane of the arrow in the archer's hand. The bow and arrow is an appropriate symbol for the modern rifle.
