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Wobbles in US-EU Axis Against Russia

January 06, 2015 "ICH" - "Press TV" - - French President Francois Hollande this week called for an end to Western sanctions on Russia. He is the latest senior European political figure to express misgivings about the hostile policy that Washington and Brussels have embarked on against Russia over the year-old Ukrainian crisis. Hollande was speaking during a traditional New Year interview with French media covering a range of issues, both domestic and international. Referring to upcoming political negotiations in Kazakhstan aimed at finding an end to the Ukraine conflict, Hollande said that he was in favor of lifting sanctions imposed on Russia "if progress was made" at the talks.

So why is this change of heart happening? Do we have any astrological indicators that confirm this change? Like relationship between individuals, relationships between countries can be understood through the Davison Relationship Chart (DRC). The horoscopes for the US and the European Union are well established. The US Sibly (July 4, 1776; 5:10 LMT; Philadelphia) is well recognized as the US chart while the EU was formed Jan.1; 1958; 0:00 hrs CET, Brussels so that this data serves as the chart for the EU. The composite Davison Relationship Chart is shown here.

The first thing that strikes us is the conjunction of the radix Sun [13ar] and Neptune [12ar] which the current Uranus [13ar] – Pluto[13cp]  activates.  Keyphrases for Uranus-Pluto, Uranus-Neptune and Pluto-Neptune provided by Martha Wescott are as under:

Uranus-Pluto: to see disruptive behaviour based on emergent (formerly repressed) psychological content; to see that individuals can disconnect or distance themselves from others as a form of control (of events/ others) or out of fear of being powerless of and giving others “an edge” over them.

Uranus-Neptune: Unexpected events in friendship; sudden circumstances that disappoint, undermine or create instability; to be disappointed or deceived with regard to changes; to have upsets in connection with trust issues; to seek freedom from dependency or closeness.

Pluto-Neptune: to see people gain power by capitalising on the vulnerability, passivity or weakness of others; to see folks yield control – out of weakness, idealism, fear of loneliness or failure to accept the truth and use discrimination in matters of trust.

When dealing with such  powerful transits it is always wise to look at both the star backdrop as well the asteroids that aspect the combination. The star back drop to the radix Sun-Neptune is primarily composed of Alderamin, alpha Cepheus – the primary star of the autocratic King Cepheus and Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda – the brightest star of Andromeda – the Princess in chains. This combination indicates, among other things, abusive situations where people in power misuse their position to keep others in slavery and bondage. Does this picture ring a bell in our context? I guess the EU’s slavery to the US is so obvious that it does not need any commentary.

Finally, we notice that the asteroids Persephone, Toro and Siwa make hard aspects to radix Sun-Neptune.

Persephone-Toro: expect to hear of folks who "leave" relationships.because of feeling somewhat abused.

Neptune-Siwa: People can attempt to mask or hide  their anger (even to pretending things that they don't really feel)  ...people can feel destroyed by a lie, a deception, or by their own  hypersensitivity (or "victimhood").

Despite all the foregoing, I think we can end on a hopeful note since the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda which is here conjunct an exalted Sun in Aries is considered a very fortunate star and symbolically represents Andromeda’s upliftment and her final freedom from her difficult circumstances. The image above shows the star Alpheratz in the Princess’ head also connected to the navel of the Flying Horse, Pegasus which takes her out of her problems.
