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Germany-US Splinter On Ukraine

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to brief US President Barack Obama in Washington on Monday on a peace plan to end fighting in eastern Ukraine. Germany and France have tried to reach a deal with Ukraine and Russia amid renewed fighting between the pro-Russia rebels and Ukrainian government troops. The Washington talks come as the US considers sending weapons to Ukraine's troops - a move Mrs Merkel opposes. Feb.9

Nick Fiorenza’s [1] commentary for this Lunar Month's Theme is entitled “Clarifying Motive”.  The New Moon of Jan. 20 is conjunct  stars in the constellation of Aquila the Eagle – a symbol for powerful military powers – and Vulpecula, the sly fox so that covert motives and secret manipulation by military powers can be expected. Nick Fiorenza writes  that the New Moon occurs in an area of the zodiac “that articulates a diversely-intented group of individuals and associated levels of consciousness, those either covert, manipulative and driven from self-interest (as the character of the old business & military paradigms) and those spiritually aware and of integrity”.  

It appears from press reports  that while Merkel and Hollande were earnestly endeavouring to find a peaceful way out of the impasse , Washington has an agenda for war in Ukraine.

As Merkel lands in Washington, the Moon is in its waning Gibbous Phase. Shown here is a chart for this phase at Washington. Notice the powerful Grand Cross on the angles with the Moon [4li] on the Ascendant. Here the Uranus-Pluto square refers to a  rupture between friends (Europe and US). The Moon conjoins  Zaniah of Virgo. Virgo is also portrayed as Justice (Justitia) or Dike holding the scales of Libra. Aratus says about Virgo:

Her men called Justice (Dike); but she assembling the elders, it might be in the market-place or in the wide-wayed streets, uttered her voice, ever urging on them judgments kinder to the people. Not yet in that age had men knowledge of hateful strife, or carping contention, or din of battle, but a simple life they lived.

From Aratus’ commentary on Virgo we can see that she is  associated with peace and strenuously opposed to war. The Sabian symbol for the Sun [20aq] confirms the role Merkel is playing.

Phase 320 (Aquarius 20): A Large White Dove Bearing a Message.

Before we end, Nick Fiorenza’s commentary on the star Tejat that is conjunct  Hades-Kronos on the MC, adds a detail about why now.

Alignments with the foot of Castor indicate that it is time to come out of hiding, to become visible, to stand forth in the limelight, and to make self visible, available, and approachable. This can also indicate the need to emerge from our own mental obscurations and illusions. Tejat and Dirah may indicate it is time to claim one's role in the physical world, and to take the steps at hand that are required for the physical unfoldment of what we want and for our participation in the world. As Tejat brings to the surface that which has been suppressed, we may see parts of our selves that seem rather dark and opposing to our emergence—the fears, hesitancies, and blockages within our selves that we must step through into our paths of fulfillment in the world. Tejat and Dirah invite us to be willing to walk through the shadows of self to claim our power and place in the physical world. The more we express the truth of who we are openly in the world the less forces attempting to suppress that truth have any power.

Doesn’t this explain why Merkel and Hollande who were upto now toeing the American line are now moving away and expressing their own thoughts?
