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Mystery craters appear in Siberia

Respected Moscow scientist Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky has called for 'urgent' investigation of the new phenomenon amid safety fears. Until now, only three large craters were known about in northern Russia with several scientific sources speculating last year that heating from above the surface due to unusually warm climatic conditions, and from below, due to geological fault lines, led to a huge release of gas hydrates, so causing the formation of these craters in Arctic regions.

Two of the newly-discovered large craters - also known as funnels to scientists - have turned into lakes, revealed Professor Bogoyavlensky, deputy director of the Moscow-based Oil and Gas Research Institute, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Feb. 23

Shown here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon  of Feb.25 at Bovanenkovo close to the place where the craters appeared. Notice the Uranus-Pluto square placed significantly on the angles with both forming hard aspect to the TNP Admetus.

When Uranus acts on Pluto and its  principle of nature’s depths we can expect the unleashing of the elemental forces of nature in various senses including volcanoes, earthquakes or  shifts and depressions in land mass.

Additionally, Martha-Wescott gives us the following delineation for Admetus-Uranus:

Eruption of long held tension or frustration; accidents that deal with holes or depressions in the land. [1]

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott (p.85)
