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A tomb is unearthed in Egypt

The Antiquities Ministry has unearthed a new pharanoiac tomb at the Al-Qurna archeological site in the Luxor governorate. The ministry, in collaboration with the American Research Center mission, found the tomb while digging in the area. Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty said that the new cemetery belongs to a person named Sa - mut, while his wife is called Ta Kha-At. It is estimated that the tomb dates back to the era of the modern state in the eighteenth dynasty of the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC). Head of the American Research Center mission John Sherman said that the tomb was discovered a few days after the discovery of the Amen Hotep Rebeo tomb, at the same archeological site. This finding opens the way for further discoveries in the next phase, which will need more work to reach additional scientific and archaeological discoveries. On 3 March, Damaty reported that the ministry discovered a new tomb at the Al-Qurna archeological site in Luxor for a person named Amonhotep, who was the porter of Amun. March 12

The cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as  important mundane events.  Among these the Capricorn ingress is the “master chart” of the year (Capsolar) followed in importance by  the Cancer ingress. Shown here is the Cancer Ingress of the Sun at Luxor, Egypt . Notice that a powerful Grand Cross containing the Uranus-Pluto square straddles the angles. The  Uranus-Pluto square is  about the sudden bringing to light (Uranus) things that have long been hidden or buried (Pluto). Pluto is in the 4th house – a house said to indicate the beginning and end of all things – the womb and the tomb [1]. It is opposite the TNPs Kronos-Hades – a combination that refers to something from the past (Hades) that was famous (Kronos) so we can see a reference to a famous tomb.

Progressing the ingress chart to March 12, the date of the news, aligns the Grand Cross once again with the horizon axis triggering the event. The March 3 discovery of another tomb can be seen in the same Cross since on that day, the progressed Ascendant [8cn] aligns with the TNP Kronos –  which together with Hades [3cn] is the leading edge of the Cross.

Finally, we note that the discovery of the tomb has taken place at the Last Quarter Moon of March 13. Just two days before on March 11, transit Mars had conjoined Uranus and squared Pluto while also triggering the radix Cancer Ingress chart (above). The chart for the Moon phase has the Uranus-Pluto square (breakthrough discoveries) placed significantly on the angles with Pluto in the 4th house of tombs!
