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Amputee dog walks with prosthetic help

Quadruple amputee dog walks with prosthetic help. March 27

In medicine, a prosthesis, prosthetic, or prosthetic limb (from Ancient Greek prósthesis, "addition, application, attachment") is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part. We will see here how a chart for the solar eclipse at Loveland, Colorado explains the news. Notice that the eclipse brings the Pluto-Uranus square, linked to scientific and technological breakthroughs, to the horizon axis.

The descendant of the chart [14cn] is conjunct the star Sirius. Alpha (α) Canis Major, Sirius, is a binary, -brilliant white and yellow star in the Greater dog.

The IC [9ta] is conjunct  the star  Kaffeljidhma, gamma Cetus [9ta].

Kaffeljidhma, Al Kaff al Jidhmah or Al-Kaff al-Jadhma' , "The cut-short hand", is the Arabs' name for the whole group marking the Whale's head, but in modern lists is exclusively applied to this star. Anne Wright [1].

This is a clear reference to an amputated limb.

We also have Mars square Pluto.  Medical astrology recognizes Mars-Pluto to be associated with artificial limbs. [2][3]

The MARS/PLUTO midpoint often can be found in connection with the replacement of natural organs or functions by artificial substitutes, such as arms, legs, joints, dentures etc.[2]

[3] Dictionary of Medical astrology, Diane L. Cramer pg 5
