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BBC taken to court over 9/11 cover up

On 23rd March Matt Campbell of Sussex, United Kingdom, will go to court against the BBC and will claim that the BBC is in violation of UK anti-terrorist legislation in the way that they have covered up evidence relating to 9/11 and evidence relating to the murder of his brother Geoff.  Geoff Campbell was killed while inside the North Tower of the World Trade Centre on September 11th, 2001.  Mr Campbell will claim that he has reasonable cause to believe that the BBC has been wilfully complicit in the deliberate cover up of vital and incontrovertible evidence relating to how his brother Geoff was killed and that as such the BBC is guilty of complicity with terrorism.

The 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attack has a horoscope based on the following data: September 11, 2001 at 8:46 am EDT, New York. This chart has 14 Libra rising along with Mercury [14li] with both conjunct  Algorab, delta Corvus, the Crow and stars of the Virgin.

Corvus is the Latin name for both the raven and the crow and these two birds are usually paired together in mythology. From the same family, their obvious intelligence and ingenuity, as well as their distinctive caw, has given them a widespread association with trickery, storytelling, the relaying of messages, and the serving of self-interest. But the colour of their plumage has also drawn a universal connection with malevolence, sinister forces, and ominous warnings. The stars of Corvus share this reputation and the classical myths that relate to the constellation speak of mistrust, shameful motives, insincerity, glorification in the misfortune of others, and the bearing of bad news [1].

The Crow is a talking bird, and these are people in love with gossip, tidings, what’s happening, what’s new, what’s up – many journalists, newsmen and media people are born under these stars. Gutsy and intellectually curious they often reach positions of power and influence but weakness of character and poor judgement can cause them to become nasty, destructive and even malevolent. The worst of them become greedy, scavenging and exploiting opportunists.  But also here are the stars of the Virgin which longs for “truth” and “purity”. Both the stars of the Crow and the Virgin are  in tropical Libra which seeks a sense of balance [2].

Shown here is the 9/11 Solar Return chart progressed to March 23, 2015 at Hastings. Notice that Mercury is once again on the Ascendant conjunct the same stars as in the radix chart. Also Mercury is part of a Grand Cross.  The highly transformative Grand Cross contains the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus is about radical changes while Pluto is about endings and new beginnings. Pluto in Capricorn focuses on all institutions and the Plutonian process involves increasing extremes followed by collapse as increasing exposures of scandals undermine their integrity.

One of the legs of the Grand Cross has the TNPs Hades and Kronos. Martha-Wescott interprets the combination as follows:

Disgust with leadership or  government … Expect to  be keenly aware of the failings of those in power.  Another example  of this will be all the times you react to "wrongs or actual evil"  perpetrated by leaders,  bosses or governments.

 The TNP Hades [4cn]  is conjunct the star Mu (μ) Gemini, Tejat Posterior,[5cn] in the right heel of the northern Twin, Castor, in the constellation of the Twins. About this star Nick Fiorenza [3] writes: “Tejat will bring forth that which has been suppressed.”

Finally, if  we look at the chart for the lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015 at Hastings we see that the luminaries are not only aligned with the meridian but also with the horizon axis of the 9/11 radix chart!

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.78-80)
