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Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb discovered

Don Quixote

Forensic scientists say they have found the tomb of Spain's much-loved giant of literature, Miguel de Cervantes, nearly 400 years after his death. They believe they have found the bones of Cervantes, his wife and others recorded as buried with him in Madrid's Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians. Separating and identifying his badly damaged bones from the other fragments will be difficult, researchers say. The Don Quixote author was buried in 1616 and the church was later rebuilt. March 17;

Today, March 17, is the last of the Uranus-Pluto squares. A chart drawn for the square at Madrid, Spain is shown here. Notice that it is very significant since it straddles the horizon axis.  Uranus-Pluto reveals or brings to light (Uranus) things that have been buried or hidden (Pluto). On the descendant are the TNPS Kronos-Hades which along with Mercury-Neptune form a Grand Trine with the MC.

Mercury-Neptune : an inspirational writer

Hades-Kronos: a famous historical figure [1]

It is, therefore, easy to see that the figure is alluding to a famous writer from the past. Finally we note that Mercury [6pi] and Neptune [7pi] are conjunct the Chinese asterism Wei which presided over tombs and graves. It was sometimes referred to as Kia-Ou, “The Last House of the Master” [2].

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.756-57)
