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EU won’t be pushed into confrontation over Ukraine


The EU is resisting calls from hotheads to supply arms to Ukraine, saying it won’t be pulled into a confrontation with Russia. Europeans cite the progress in implementing a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine between Kiev and local rebels. The idea of providing lethal aid to Kiev is popular among many NATO officials and American politicians. US House Speaker John Boehner and a bipartisan group of top lawmakers called on President Barack Obama to deliver the weapons. But Europeans are opposing the move, which would likely escalate tensions with Russia.
“The European Union today is extremely realistic about developments in Russia. But we will never be trapped or forced or pushed or pulled into a confrontative [sic] attitude,” the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini told the media on Friday, following an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Riga, Latvia.

The chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of March 20 at Brussels where the EU is headquartered can help explain the above news. Eclipses  offer  an opportunity to resynchronize ourselves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. They tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. How dramatic these changes can be and the symbolic issues involved are a function of star alignments and other aspecting planets occurring at the time of the eclipse. Although eclipses effect the entire Earth, they are of great significance in places where they aspect the meridian or horizon axis. Here we find that the eclipse [29pi] is conjunct the star Scheat and falls on the Descendant of the European Union’s radix chart. 


Scheat,[29pi] is the  beta star of the constellation Pegasus.  It has a traditional reputation of injury by one’s own hand or that of another. Winged horse Pegasus is about  the ability to rise above difficulties on the one hand and the danger of overreaching on the other [1].  The capacity to master primordial life forces and rise above difficulties is illustrated in the story of Perseus and Andromeda whereas the danger of overreaching is brought out in the story of Bellerophon.

Bellerophon was "the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside Cadmus and Perseus, before the days of Heracles". As Bellerophon's fame grew, so did his hubris. Bellerophon felt that because of his victory over the Chimera, and because he thought he was a god he deserved to fly to Mount Olympus, the realm of the gods. However, this presumption angered Zeus and he sent a gadfly to sting the horse causing Bellerophon to fall all the way back to Earth. Pegasus completed the flight to Olympus where Zeus used him as a pack horse for his thunderbolts [2].

With an eclipse taking place on Scheat, the issues presented above are brought to the fore. Are we going to exhibit true mastery over primordial forces or are we going to overreach and suffer a great fall? This is the question that this star raises. It would appear in our context that the EU is choosing to tame the primordial forces while the US and Nato are exhibiting a degree of hubris that might lead to a great fall.

The Solar Eclipse of March 20 is placed in the mundane 11th house at Brussels. The 11th house rules allies and friendly nations. With a square to TNPs Kronos-Hades on the Ascendant opposite TNP Cupido, the eclipse is referring to the possibility of a deterioration (Hades) of relationships (TNP Cupido is sense of group unity) with its allies (11th house eclipse) because of differences of opinion (Kronos) [3]. In a previous post [4] we had looked at the chart of NATO to understand why the “Atlantic Bridge” was falling down. There we had seen how the current Neptune  transit was weakening the NATO structure and  undermining  associations.  Here the solar eclipse  [29pi2] is conjunct the Mars-Neptune midpoint [29pi50]. In our present context this can be interpreted as lack of energy or desire (Neptune) for war (Mars).

[1] The Living Stars; Dr. Eric Morse
