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Surreal sculptures captivate crowds at Art Basel HK


Hong Kong (CNN)A crowd of people jostle for a closer look at the naked woman crouching on her knees. Phones held aloft, the group shamelessly take pictures of her bare back and bottom -- safe in the knowledge she won't be waking up anytime soon. The remarkably life-like nude sculpture, created by Australian artist Sam Jinks, was by far the most photographed work at this year's Art Basel in Hong Kong, a three-day art fair that has attracted tens of thousands of visitors since it first launched nearly three years ago. March 18;

The chart for the Aries Ingress at Hongkong has the Sun [0ar00]  placed on the Ascendant conjunct the star alpha Sculptoris [0ar42] [1]. About this constellation, Nick Fiorenza writes [2]:

Here we are concerned with the origins of life on Earth, the creation of the human form, and water, the very foundation of life. The South Galactic Pole (SGC), the foundation of the galactic plane, resides in Sculptoris, the sculptor’s studio, and the Sculptor Group of Galaxies. Alpha Sculptor and the Sculptor Galaxy conjoin and embrace the South Galactic Pole. They articulate the formation of human life from the primordial waters of life, the molding of clay into human form. Although a recent addition to stellar mythical imagery, aptly Sculptor is from the Latin sculpere, meaning to cut (sculpt)--in this case, to sculpt life itself. Alpha Sculptor stimulates our need to create our lives from the primordial forces of life.
