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The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

The painting shows a scene from August 1765, when the young Mughal emperor Shah Alam, exiled from Delhi and defeated by East India Company troops, was forced into what we would now call an act of involuntary privatisation. The scroll is an order to dismiss his own Mughal revenue officials in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, and replace them with a set of English traders appointed by Robert Clive – the new governor of Bengal. The Guardian;

The Treaty of Allahabad was signed on 16 August 1765, between the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II, son of the late Emperor Alamgir II, and Robert, Lord Clive, of the East India Company, as a result of the Battle of Buxar of 22 October 1764. The Treaty marks the political and constitutional involvement and the beginning of British rule in India.

It so happens that on the very date the treaty was signed, there was a solar eclipse. Eclipses mark the end of an old order and the beginning of a new one. This eclipse [24le] was conjunct  the stars Regulus, alpha Leo in heart of the courageous but naïve  Lion  and also  Alphard, alpha Hydra in the conniving and evil Snake’s heart. Here people often commit the error of believing that their high-mindedness, willpower and grand overview will sweep aside all barriers; heads in the clouds, hearts high some consider themselves too noble to wheel and deal , to get into the nitty gritty of politics and the necessary compromises of life and unless they temper  their enthusiasm with common sense, their high spirited idealism may be shipwrecked on the shoals of harsh reality [1]. As the well written Guardian article by William Dalrymple explains this is exactly what happened.

A few other elements of the eclipse chart deserve mention. On the MC is Pluto with the TNP Kronos.  Kronos is linked to those in authoritative positions as the Mughal  Emperor in this case and the combination Kronos-Pluto is leaders under substantial pressure.  Meanwhile on the descendant is  the TNP Hades   which is associated with decline or weakening  so that the combination fits the picture of an Emperor who is weakened by the Treaty.

Finally what is it that is activating this chart now so that The Guardian is writing about it. Notice that the Treaty of Allahabad took place 250 years ago at the last Uranus-Pluto waxing square like the one we are now going through. More specifically  the current  Uranus-Pluto square forms a sharp aspect with the horizon axis of the August 1775 eclipse chart. In fact a key phrase for Uranus-Pluto is “the collapse of an old order and the beginning of a new one” so that this transit is reminding us of what happened 250 years ago in India.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.560-61)
