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Declaration For The Americas Without US And Canada

WASHINGTON — Negotiations held over the past 18 years toward resolving historic issues of land dispossession and conflicts over natural resources with indigenous peoples of the Americas are finally expected to reach consensus by May. “We were told there are some states very interested in getting the declaration done so we can move to another stage in the Organization of American States (OAS) and be able to enforce the rights recognized,” said Leonardo A. Crippa, a senior attorney for the Indian Law Resource Center in Washington. “It’s aiming to be completed by May so the text can be submitted for approval to the General Assembly of the OAS, which is meeting in D.C. in June.” April 14;

This news can also be understood through the horoscope cast for the last solar eclipse which was used for a previous post [1] from which the following is extracted:

The chart for the last solar eclipse at Washington, DC is shown here. Notice that the eclipse places a prominent Saturn-Neptune square on the meridian axis. Saturn [4sa] is conjunct stars of Wild Beast Lupus. Lupus or the wolf is a symbol of evil, greed and cruelty.  Its placement in the mundane tenth house is referring to the US Government. The square from Neptune in compassionate Pisces brings to conscious  awareness the hypocritical insensitivity of the US Government. In this upper square,[1] also referred to as a  "Crisis in Consciousness" events reveal the inappropriateness of old forms of behavior.
The cycle of Saturn and Neptune started in 1989 with their conjunction at 11 degrees of Capricorn. The stars that formed the backdrop to this degree are those of Sagittarius, the Archer. Therefore, this constellation symbolically contains the issues that needed to be dealt with in the subsequent phases.
The astrological influences of the constellation given by Manilius are as below:
"As for the Archer, when the foremost portion of his cloak rises, he will give birth to hearts renowned in war and will conduct the conqueror, celebrating great triumphs in the sight of all, to his country's citadels. Such a one will build high walls (moenia from Latin murus) one moment and pull them down the next. But if Fortune favours them too generously with success, the mark of her envy is to be seen on their faces, for she works cruel havoc upon their features. [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4, p.267]
Essentially, the description refers to a very successful but cruel conqueror and, therefore, in the present “crisis of consciousness” of the waning square, events are now revealing  the inappropriateness of that old form of behavior.

If we now add the additional insight we gain from the stars that form the backdrop to Neptune [8pi] the content of the news is brought into sharper perspective. Here we have the stars of the humanitarian Water Bearer Aquarius and his ancient predecessor, the healing goddess Gula. About this area Diana Rosenberg writes:

 “these souls must make a great choice: whether to remain aloof to the anguish of others (or cause it) or to learn sensitivity and compassion through their own painful experiences, becoming “wounded healers” who develop an impulse to help, teach, save and restore. The polarity is sharply defined, for while some here are humanitarian reformers with a social conscience, others are cold and selfishly autocratic, utterly indifferent to the sufferings of their fellow human beings”.

 Among possible manifestations she adds “brutal attacks, expressions of race and religious prejudice and responses to them”. Finally, on the cusp of the 4th house [6ge], that deals with the land and the cultural history of a nation and by extension its indigenous people, we have  the star Prima Hyadum, gamma Tauri in the face of the charging Bull. Diana Rosenberg writes:

The dark side of the charging Bull is an avidity for slaughter and a cruel disregard for those seen as “different”.

And gives the following examples for transits in this area:

In 1431 and in 1763 soldiers at Ford Pitt (Pittsburg) deliberately gave Shawnee and Delaware Indians small pox infected blankets causing terrible mortality;  during Detroit race riots of 1943; 1976 Soweto, South Africa uprising against apartheid; at Hitler’s announcement of anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws; at the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in 1863; at the US Supreme Court’s decision outlawing school segregation in 1954.
