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London commuter hit in the head by Tube

A commuter is fighting for his life after being hit by an oncoming train in an horrific accident at Stockwell station during the morning rush hour. Police said the man, thought to be in his 20s, was taken to hospital after the incident just before 9am today. One witness said the man's head was "pretty much sliced off" in the horrific accident as he bent down as a train approached. April 10

The powerful total lunar eclipse of April 4 continues to create events in its wake. The chart for the eclipse at London has the Sun-Moon aligned with the meridian. The Sun [14ar] is conjunct Uranus [16ar] and the asteroids Psyche [14ar] and Phaethon [9ar] on the MC.
Martha Wescott [1] provides the following definitions for the asteroids Phaethon and Psyche:

PHAETHON: Instances that involve cars, transport, driving; other forms of recklessness—feeling out of control—as though you’ve taken on more than you can handle; having trouble keeping to the middle of the road!
PSYCHE: Recognition of childhood trauma; raw wounds psychologically; vulnerability; memories; insight; psychic impressionability; psychological recovery; the state of your “mental health;” head wounds; brain states.

The combination Psyche-Phaethon can be interpreted as head wounds from cars or other transport vehicles. Finally, notice that the Sun and Uranus are conjunct the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda in the head of the Chained Woman which Diana Rosenberg links to head injuries!
