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Playa Brava turns red under Pavo Moon

Playa Brava in Iquique has now turned red... Prawn red! A sign of the next big one? Scientists are baffled by this apocalyptic mass die-off and will conduct various tests - water and shellfish - to determine the cause of this kill! Yesterday morning (April 12) the entire coast of Playa Brava in Iquique was blanketed by millions of dead or dying prawns. The reason for this mass die-off is still unknown. The apocalyptic event started at around 07:00. Rescue was launched directly after. But rough sea hampered the work of the rescuers, whose efforts were unsuccessful. April 13

In the previous post [1] we saw how the Last Quarter Moon of April 12 conjunct the stars of Pavo, the Peacock and Lyra both connected with bright colours was responsible for the news about Lake Hillier – the pink lake. There the Quarter Moon aspected the meridian axis. Here it aspects the horizon bringing to our attention another news about a colourful phenomena in nature.
