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The only black flamingo in the world spotted

An extremely rare black flamingo, thought to be only one in the world, has been filmed on the island of Cyprus. The footage was captured on Wednesday (April 8) and shows the black flamingo surrounded by more conventionally coloured birds feeding on the banks of Aktoriri salt lake on the island that lies in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The bird is almost entirely black except for a tuft of white feathers on its rear and was spotted by environmentalists during an annual count of the island's flamingos. April 10;

Limassol Salt Lake (also known as Akrotiri Salt Lake) is the largest inland body of water on the island of Cyprus, in Akrotiri.  The footage of the black flamingo was captured on April 8, the very day Jupiter stationed to go direct [UT 16:56:32]. A chart for the station drawn for Akrotiri Salt Lake is shown here. The MC conjoins the stars Samoht of the Unicorn [1] and Aludra of Canis Major. About these stars Nick Fiorenza writes [2]:

Aludra, Wezen, and Adhara lie under latter sidereal Gemini and early Cancer, and create the hindquarter of the Canis Major. Although of this Sirian constellation, Aludra and Wezen are a pair of their own class. They lie much further in distance than the other stars thus being of their own realm. Aludra served Hipparchus to make his famous astronomical reckoning about the precession of the equinoxes. Aludra is also the only star of the constellation that lies across the Gemini-Cancer cusp. Aludra is the singular of Al Adhara, the Virgins--hence, a pure one of the breed. This is the white stallion, the black sheep, the unique person that does not fit in. Aludra most often time manifests as a person who appears through unexpected moments is space and time, with the magik provided by unique Alpha Monoceros. An Aludra-type individual seems strikingly unique in some way--out of the ordinarySamoht, Alpha Monoceros, is an Egyptian star name, actually older than the constellation Monoceros. Samoht means "one who has traveled from afar." Monoceros, the Unicorn, is of a species not common to earth--one magikal and mystical. Alpha Monoceros brings fortuitous situations, experiences or involvements quite out of the ordinary, which often appear unexpectedly.

From the extract above, it is quite obvious that the stars on the MC are referring to a creature that is rarely seen much like the black flamingo!



The current solar eclipse [29pi] which occurred on the MC at Limassol is conjunct the star Azelfafage pi Cygnus[28pi] in the constellation of the Swan. Flamingoes as a species are related to Waterfowl which includes ducks, geese, and swans.
