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Ancient bracelet made by extinct human species found

In what is quite an amazing discovery, scientists have confirmed that a bracelet found in Siberia is 40,000 years old. This makes it the oldest piece of jewelry ever discovered, and archeologists have been taken aback by the level of its sophistication.  The bracelet was discovered in a site called the Denisova Cave in Siberia, close to Russia's border with China and Mongolia. It was found next to the bones of extinct animals, such as the wooly mammoth, and other artifacts dating back 125,000 years. The cave is named after the Denisovan people — a mysterious species of hominins from the Homo genus, who are genetically different from both Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. We know that the Denisovans migrated out of Africa sometime after the first wave of Homo erectus, and well before us, Homo sapiens. The Denisovans were unique in many ways, having branched away from other humanoid ancestors some 1 million years ago. Indeed, the recent discovery of a female Denisovan finger bone and various teeth, shows that they had no morphological similarities to either Neanderthals or modern humans. May 8

The news comes to us at the Waning Gibbous Moon phase of May 8 also referred to as the Disseminating Moon phase. A chart for this phase drawn for Denisova is shown here. The Sun [17ta] is conjunct epsilon Eridanus.  Eridanus was an ancient celestial river. As a symbol, a river relates to the creative power of nature and time and everything transitory: the flux of the world and the irreversible passage of time.  Unlike earthly rivers, Eridanus is depicted flowing upstream symbolizing a return to the past. Discovery of ancient artifacts are quite appropriate under stars of Eridanus.

 The Moon is placed on the MC and aligns with Venus-Hades-Cupido. Martha Wescott gives us the following delineations [1]:

Hades-Cupido: Ancient or antique art or objects.

Hades-Venus: Ancient or primitive art.

If now we add the star backdrop for Uranus [18] on the Ascendant  and the Sun [17ta] the picture is complete. Uranus is conjunct lambda Andromedae [18ar] in Princess Andromeda’s right hand while the Sun[17ta] is conjunct Ruchbah, delta Cassipoeiae [18ta]  in the the constellation of Queen Cassipoeia shown as in the image above decorating herself with her ornaments.

"From Cassiope come the enhancement of beauty and devices for adorning the body: from gold has been sought the means to give grace to the appearance; precious stones have been spread over head, neck, and hands and golden chains have shone on snow-white feet. " [Manilius, Astronomica, book 5, 1st century AD, p.343.]

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Wescott Lang
