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'Beautiful Mind' mathematician John Nash killed in crash

John F. Nash Jr., a mathematician who shared a Nobel Prize in 1994 for work that greatly extended the reach and power of modern economic theory and whose decades-long descent into severe mental illness and eventual recovery were the subject of a book and a 2001 film, both titled “A Beautiful Mind,” was killed, along with his wife, in a car crash on Saturday in New Jersey. He was 86. Dr. Nash, and his wife, Alicia, 82, were in a taxi on the New Jersey Turnpike in Monroe Township around 4:30 p.m. when the driver lost control while trying to pass another car and hit a guard rail and another vehicle, said Sgt. Gregory Williams of the New Jersey State Police. The couple were ejected from the cab and pronounced dead at the scene. The taxi driver and the driver of the other car were treated for non-life threatening injuries. No criminal charges have been filed.  May 24

A chart for the First Quarter Moon of May 25 at Monroe Township in shown here. Notice Sun-Mars-Mercury in Gemini on the MC opposite Saturn.  With Mercury’s connection with roads and vehicles, Mars linked to energy in motion and Saturn with resistance or obstacles,  this combination  can represent a fast moving vehicle suddenly meeting an obstacle resulting in an accident. In addition the Sun is conjunct the  asteroid Icarus which is associated with recklessness so that we probably have a situation where the cab driver was taking unnecessary risks. On the Ascendant is the asteroid Requiem for which a keyword is death.

But let us look at some other links to the same planets. A Mercury-Mars combination in Gemini – the sign ruled by Mercury – is also hinting at a brilliant logical mind.  Mercury-Neptune square is a mind that is subject to disturbances from the subconscious that can lead to disintegration. It is reported that Nash suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. 
