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Bollywood star jailed for five years in hit-and-run case

An Indian court has sentenced Bollywood star Salman Khan to five years in jail for killing a homeless man in a 2002 hit-and-run driving incident in Mumbai. The man was among five people who were run over in the incident. The actor was charged with culpable homicide. Khan had said his driver was behind the wheel, but the judge said the actor was driving the car and was under the influence of alcohol at the time. May 6

The news comes to us just after the Full Moon of May 4. A chart for the Full Moon phase at Bombay is shown here. It is significant for the place since the luminaries aspect the horizon axis. The Moon [13sc] is in the 5th house which is linked to the theatre and films and therefore by association to actors. It is conjunct the star Alphecca, alpha Corona Borealis [13sc] which was part of the Chinese asterism T’ien-Wei, the Celestial Jail. The Moon is also conjunct Menkent, theta Centauri.

Symbolically, the centaur is the anti-thesis of the knight; half man, half horse, it represents complete domination by baser influences, instincts, the unconscious uncontrolled by the spirit. The man-beast combination illustrates the conflict between man’s lower animal nature merged with his higher nature of human virtue and judgement. In Greek myths centaurs sometimes accompanied Dionysus (Bacchus) in his wild abandoned revels.  Finally Lupus the Wolf is a symbol evil and gluttony. The centaur is often shown with the wolf  impaled on a lance. In Christian art, animals impaled on lances often allude to vices that must be overcome; a lance exemplifies victory over evil, the divine wisdom that pierces ignorance.  This is what would ideally be the outcome. But more often that not, in this  area we come across instances where the animal nature overpowers human virtues as in our story above where the actor Salman Khan, under the influence of alcohol, ran over the sleeping pavement dwellers. Looked at in another way, the Centaur killing Lupus is referring to the punishment of evil which resonates perfectly with the Chinese asterism of the Celestial Jail.

On the Ascendant [29ge]  is the star Menkalinan[1]. Beta (β) Auriga, Menkalinan, is a lucid yellow star in the  shoulder of the Charioteer. A Charioteer with a whip in his hand driving his horses is a perfect ancient symbol for a modern day reckless car driver  like the actor Salman Khan who was speeding when he hit the unfortunate victims. 
