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How the eyes betray your thoughts

Aldebaran - Eye of the Bull

It’s sometimes said that the eyes are windows into the soul, revealing deep emotions that we might otherwise want to hide. Although modern science precludes the existence of the soul, it does suggest that there is a kernel of truth in this old saying: it turns out the eyes not only reflect what is happening in the brain but may also influence how we remember things and make decisions. What is now becoming clear is that some of our eye movements may actually reveal our thought process. Research published last year shows that pupil dilation is linked to the degree of uncertainty during decision-making: if somebody is less sure about their decision, they feel heightened arousal, which causes the pupils to dilate. This change in the eye may also reveal what a decision-maker is about to say: one group of researchers, for example, found that watching for dilation made it possible to predict when a cautious person used to saying ‘no’ was about to make the tricky decision to say ‘yes’. May 22

The news is best explained by the chart for the First Quarter Moon of May 25 drawn for London. The Ascendant [6sc] is in tropical Scorpio and background stars are part of the Arabian mansion Al-Ghafr, the Concealment. Diana Rosenberg adds that in this area  we see people interested in ferreting out secrets, or fascinated by the human psyche, unusual phenomena or unsolved scientific problem.  With the MC conjunct  the star Algenubi, epsilon Leonis [21le], the eye of the Lion, it is no surprise that the article refers to how the human psyche betrays itself through the eyes.  In addition, the ruler of tropical Scorpio  Mars [9ge]  is here conjunct Aldebaran, alpha Tauri [9ge] – the eye of the Bull so once again linking the theme of concealment (Al-Ghafr) with the eye (Aldebaran). 
