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Russia's Poklonskaya Unveils Monument to Emperor Nicholas II

Caelum - the Sculptor's Chisel

Natalia Poklonskaya, Crimea’s Prosecutor General, has unveiled a monument to the last Russian Emperor, Nicholas II. Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports (on May 19) that the monument is located in front of the Livadia Palace in Crimea. The bronze bust of the Emperor is one meter in height and is mounted on a marble base.

The horoscope of Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, born on 18 May 1868; 2:30 pm; Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Federation, 59n43, 30e25 [1] is given at Astrodatabank. If we compare it with the chart for the current New Moon [18 May 2015]  notice that the Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn axis aligns with the Czar’s radix Sun-Saturn opposition.  In addition we notice that the chart for the New Moon is significant for Livadi  since Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Saturn-Neptune T-square aligns with the meridian.  Also the New Moon is in the 12th house. Traditionally, the 12th house is a wholly unfortunate house, associated with sad events, sorrow, anguish of mind, tribulation, captivity and imprisonment all of which were the Czar’s fate in his last years.

Nicholas ‘s reign saw Imperial Russia go from being one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic and military collapse. Political enemies nicknamed him Nicholas the Bloody because of the Khodynka Tragedy, alleged anti-Semitic pogroms, Bloody Sunday, his violent suppression of the 1905 Revolution, his execution of political opponents, and his pursuit of military campaigns on an unprecedented scale. Ebertin’s key phrases for Mars-Saturn-Neptune are “hardness, harshness and bitterness; all will directed activity meets complete resistance; waning powers and weakening efforts” and one could add possible "defeat in battle". These phrases would appear to describe the Czar’s reign. The Czar’s radix chart has a Sun-Saturn-Neptune in hard aspect which also essentially means weakening vitality and a failure of grand plans.

Finally  notice that the luminaries in the New Moon chart  are also conjunct  the stars alpha Caelum [25ta21] and Algol, [25ta22]. Beta (β) Perseus, Algol, is a bright star positioned on the severed head that Perseus is carrying. The Chinese gave it the gruesome title Tseih She, the Piled-up Corpses. Here it becomes a reminder of what happened to the Czar and his family who were murdered by the Bolsheviks on  17 July 1918. The Mars-Saturn opposition is also linked to murders and assassinations while the Mercury retrograde is referring to an incident from the past.

 The second star that the New Moon conjoins is alpha Caelum.  Latin caelum means both 'the heavens' (from the same root as 'celestial'), and 'sculptor's chisel', or burin; an engraving tool for metals and stone. It is this instrument that La Caille had in mind when he named this constellation[2].  By extension here it refers to the bust of the Czar!
