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Tesla unveils batteries to power homes

Dragon – symbol of power, electricity and lightning

(FOSTER CITY, Calif.) — Never lacking daring ideas, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk is determined to jolt the electricity market. The CEO of electric car maker Tesla Motors hopes to park hundreds of millions of large, solar panel-connected batteries in homes and businesses so the world can disconnect from power plants — and he can profit. On Thursday night, before an adoring crowd and a party-like atmosphere, Musk unveiled how he intends to do it.

I wonder if readers have noticed just how many discoveries connected to batteries and electricity have been reported recently [1][2]. 

 Shown here is the chart for the last lunar eclipse drawn for Foster City. Notice that the eclipse luminaries that form a T-square with Uranus-Pluto also aspect the horizon axis making it particularly significant for the place. About Uranus-Pluto Richard Tarnas notes:

With Pluto acting on Uranus, we can see what could be called the intensification on a massive scale (Pluto) of technology (Uranus) or the empowerment (Pluto) of revolutionary breakthroughs (Uranus) and awakenings”.  He gives as an example the  tremendous scientific discovery and revolutions in science at  turn of the Twentieth Century when a Pluto-Uranus opposition [1896-1905]  took place. “Epochal breakthroughs” in technology occurred, such as the discovery of radioactivity and the electron, the invention of the automobile, Zeppelin, and the airplane. The number of automobiles in America rose a thousand-fold from 25 in 1896 to 25,000 in 1905.

The Sun [14ar]  and Uranus [16ar] are conjunct the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda [14ar], in the head of the Chained Woman. It is extremely interesting that the star in Andromeda’s Head is also the Navel of Pegasus for it means that the Flying Horse, symbol of a powerful mind and unbridled imagination, is “born” from the head of a Chained Woman; thus the great message here is that no matter what constraint life imposes  our minds are free to discover new ways to free ourselves from the past.
The Moon and the TNP Zeus are conjunct the stars of Draco, the dragon; Corvus, the Raven and Bootis.

About this area Diana Rosenberg [3] writes:

There is electricity in these stars, an intensity and brilliance that illuminates the brooding landscape of mankind’s travail on Earth…This is an area of physics and inventions, especially those connected to electricity, power sources, light and lightning.

It may be recalled that the ancient mythical dragon has been linked to lightning (see image above) and therefore by association with electricity. Finally notice that the TNP Admetus [4] that is linked to “inventory and storage” is  semisquare to Uranus – the planet most connected with electricity so the development of a better battery for electricity storage shouldn’t come as a surprise.

All that now remains is to progress the eclipse chart to April 30, the date of the announcement, to see that the progressed horizon touches off the eclipse axis creating the event reported.

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.88-89)
