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Welcome to the Bubble State, Where Everything is Unsustainable

Bellerophon falling from the sky

Since its inception, California has always portrayed itself as the land of opportunity. Kind of like a dream within the American dream. It’s the California dream to be precise, and while it has taken on many forms over the years, the song has always remained the same. That song preaches that anyone can become fabulously wealthy here. But unlike the American dream, the California dream does not demand effort, at least not in its current form. Instead, it offers low hanging fruit. It claims to be overflowing with opportunities, just waiting to be exploited. The grass is always greener here, and a new millionaire is made every day. So why not you? What are you waiting for? Anybody can make it big in the Golden State, haven’t you heard? You’d be a damn fool to stay in your podunk Midwestern town. Get over here already! Of course, if you ask anyone who actually lives here, they’ll tell you the truth. The only people getting rich from the dream are the ones who made it up. They prey on the gullible masses who think they can move here and become movies stars, and tech CEO’s. But more importantly, this dream is the lifeblood of our vampiric state, and always has been. Like the myths surrounding the Great Wall of China, our foundations are layered with those who fell while chasing the dream. We owe our very existence to this ever evolving scam. May 17

The solar eclipse of March 20 was conjunct the star Scheat and in California it was significantly placed square the horizon axis. Beta (β) Pegasus, Scheat, is a deep yellow star on the leg of the Winged Horse.  The mythical story of the fall of Bellerophon  (see image) from the Winged Horse Pegasus is linked to this star.  Jupiter in hard aspect to the eclipse is a warning that discipline and self-restraint is required otherwise there is a tendency to go overboard in some way, overextending oneself  or living in a fool’s paradise where we think nothing will go wrong. Sometimes we squander valuable resources, only to discover on another day that we do not have enough of what we need. As an example  California’s  current water scarcity comes to mind.

Progressing the eclipse chart to May 17, the date of the report, brings Mercury-Neptune to the Ascendant. Since Neptune is square Saturn, unrealistic and unsustainable dreams (Neptune) meet cold hard reality (Saturn) and we feel disillusioned. Neptune is also part of a Yod comprising Mercury-Neptune-Jupiter-Pluto which is triggered.

Jupiter-Pluto is a combination that is associated with large and extravagant projects. Steven Forrest describes Jupiter-Pluto hard aspects thus:

Under hard aspects between Pluto and Jupiter, faith is embattled. Perhaps someone has gone down a road for the wrong reasons…Comforting but phony elements of your life must be released and new possibilities seized under less than auspicious circumstances.

Jupiter is in a quincunx aspect with Neptune about which Martha Wescott writes:

Having instances of  "false hope" or seeing the self-confidence undermined..this is a period when "all that glitters  definitely isn't gold." People who built their castles on sand are  discovering that the tide has changed (and that piddly little bump is  where their fortress used to be.)  There will certainly be plenty of  examples of folks who "promise the world" and, not only can't they  deliver the sun, moon and stars, they're lucky if they can come up with  a map of Newark!  
