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Wolf volcano erupts on Galapagos island

A volcanic eruption on the Galapagos Islands has raised fears the ecosystem that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution may be under threat. On Monday, the Wolf volcano on Isabela Island erupted for the first time in 33 years, spewing fire, smoke and lava. Experts say the eruption poses no risk to people living on the island. The island holds the world's only population of pink iguanas but authorities say that they are not in immediate danger. May 26

Nick Fiorenza in his post Critical Alignments May 2015 [1] explains why  are seeing accentuated seismicity and volcanic activity right now.

The planetary alignments occurring between May 22 through the June 2 Full Moon can produce intense geophysical and biological resonances on Earth. This may heighten the possibility of accentuated seismicity and volcanism as well as psychophysiological unrest .

The Sun, Earth and retrograde Saturn align on May 22 (23 UT) initiating a new 378-day Earth-Saturn synodic cycle. This alignment begins a several-day period of intensified gravitational resonances…The intensification is also due to placements of Mercury and Mars, which  are a part of this alignment. Earth, Mercury and Mars align on May 27 (the retrograde Mercury-Mars conjunction), then followed by the Sun-Mercury-Earth alignment on May 30 (the Earth-Mercury synod).

Shown here is the chart for the Crescent Moon of May 21 at the Wolf volcano on Isabela Island. Notice that the  Sun-Saturn-Mars-Mercury alignment takes place on the sensitive meridian axis thereby intensifying  gravitational resonances leading to a volcanic eruption.
The Crescent Moon [15cn] is conjunct Sirius , alpha Canis Major [14cn]. In China Sirius was known as the Wolf Star and at least two American Indian tribes, the Pawnee and Osage called Sirius either Wolf Star or Coyote Star! Can it be a coincidence that the Wolf Volcano is erupting? We have become so  conditioned  not to attach much significance to the baffling coincidences that often occur. Yet these coincidences might be asking us to learn to think in new categories. Perhaps we need to break free from “rational” ways of thinking. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections and recognize what belongs with what.
